Over a year has gone. HYBRID has recovered from his last fall after FATE’s game and has continued to set forth with his life; FATE still weaving Her obstacles for him and the ‘Demon of the Conscience’, ID still present and battling with him as he progressed.
How will his journey be from here onwards?

HYBRID smiles.

He’s looking forward to what’s ahead.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

The Truman.. uh, correction... Tiang Show

Today had been quite a great day for me... though a little bumpy along the way...
Let me explained a little of what had happened before today...

I had asked Azie some time ago if we could go out and watch a movie or something some time... She agreed to.
Then, Roger had told me some time later that Lish would be going back to Brunei for quite a long while for the holidays after next week...
So he was planning to go out and watch a movie some time this week.. preferably tonight, cause the ticket price would've been RM5 only...
So, yesterday, I asked Azie if she wanna go watch a movie tonight... and thankfully she agreed... and Tania, her cousin would be joinning us too.

So.. most of the day of today was planning for our outing to the movie tonight...
when woke up this morning, went straight for the newspaper...
Just as I was about to look at the movie's section... Roger called...
We discussed a little of the time of the movie... which one... who to invite...
We got to decide on the movie, Toolbox Murders at 7.15pm...
We planned to invite Lish (of course), Adrian Foo, and some of his friends from PRIME...
We also planned to go to Parkson to eat dinner at 6pm...
Then end of phone conversation... it didn't take more than five minutes really...
With that plans set, I went to SMS Azie about it...

Then during noon.. my bro was actually watching a comedy horror movie, Shaun of the Dead...
I was getting into the movie when suddenly Lish SMSed me to join her and Roger at the coffee shop near my house... Yakin...
Actually, this afternoon, me, Roger and Adrian will be going to the gym at the Indoor Stadium....
however, I thought I just stick with this movie... but Roger somehow convinced me to join them with the next SMS... sheesh...
anyway.. joined the couple there... soon, we were off.
Lish had an extra course class that afternoon.. So Roger went to send her to PRIME College...
Since we still had half hour before our meeting time at the gym, Roger thought that we could 'waste' some time online there...
And we did... and even overdid it when Roger found a particularly simple yet fun online game....
The two of us got into a impromptu competition for the highest score.. which I got to win in the end.. hehe...

Quickly, we headed to the stadium...
Reaching there, we met Adrian, Nellie & Sean Chuan (my high-school's Head of Student Council 2003)...
Going in the gym... we did what any gym-user do... talk....
hehehe... well... we didn't do much of workout... Adrian, Nellie & Sean Chuan ended up in a long conversation... while Roger & I just played with some of the small weight balls....
Then.. somewhere along the time we spent there, Azie finally replied my SMS... she said that she, Tania & Ankita will join us at 6.30pm, and maybe with Darshana as well....
Actually, I had been worried if she was going to reply or not... I had miss called her a few times along the way... but was really glad that she replied in the end...
Well.. back to the gang in the gym.. we finally decided to go back early.. since we were spending more time talking than working out...
since he was free, Roger thought to go to my place to 'waste' some time....
At my house, he wanted to watch the Japanese anime series, Naruto.... which was on my bro's computer...
I let him watched... we only got to watch three episodes before he had to go at 4.30pm...
hahha, but at least we had some good laughs during that time...
Oh yeah... Adrian had refused to join us for the movie tonight... cause he felt like not going for his own reasons...
So, it turned out that Roger will be picking me up later...

Dressed and ready by around 5.30, I just waited for him...
Roger eventually arrived at my house at 6.10... then went to pick Lish and then we headed to Parkson...
Arrived there, we went to buy the tickets... Azie had contacted me along our road trip earlier... and told me to buy three tickets for them...
So did... six tickets...
Ate dinner at the food court while waiting for Azie, Tania & Ankita....
After a while, they arrived... introduced one another... then soon went to the movie, Toolbox Murders...
and also! three PRIME friends of Roger & Lish joined us last minute...

Well.. here's my review of the movie...
It's horrifyingly gruesome.... Lish came out of the cinema quite shakened... and most of us were left talking about those shocking and scary moments in the movie....
Toolbox Murders is an all right movie... though the reason for the murderer to go around killing so many people is not clearly explained.. or all of we just missed that detail in the movie...
The movie really scares you.. using human torture and abuse as the main theme in its murders... plus the music can really add a lot to the scare gauge...
Another reason why I like this movie is because it doesn't try to sell the movie by using famous or gorgeous-looking actors and actresses...
the main character, the heroine, was definitely not the type that would involuntarily grab every boy's eyes...
Though it seems that everything in the movie is reality world-based... it actually isn't 100% that...
There is a little of out of reality in this movie... like black magic...
Besides that, trying to figure out the murderer was really a tough challenge... and it'll turn out that the villain isn't as easy to realise than expected...
Me.. I only KNEW who the murderer was after I was able to understand mostly of what was happening and when the murderer finally showed himself... and that was quite near the end of the movie...
Another part of the movie that would really frighten you, or at least, it did to me... was near the end where the heroine and the hero got themselves in the murderer's 'hideout' / 'torture chamber'...
Well.. I'd recommend this movie for those who would enjoy or dare themselves for some jolts of fright or shock...
Hahah!, Azie was saying after the movie how Nadia should've been there with us.... just to see her reactions... hahah!
I'd like to see how Seryna be throughout this movie... haha!

Anyway.. after the movie, we, excluding the friends from PRIME, stayed longer at Parkson...
Ankita had to go and buy pizza... and while waiting for it, Roger, Lish, Azie, Tania, Ankita and I sat at a table in front of Sugar Bun and Pizza Hut...
It didn't take long before the pizza was done... with that, Ankita went back home with her mom...
Then the rest of us went around Parkson.. Tania had wanted to do some window shopping... along with Azie... for the holiday seasons I supposed...

Anyway... about half an hour or so, we were done...
Azie & Tania were to be picked up by Azie's father... so I went back with Roger and Lish...
After that... I was back home and now typing this blog entry...
Well.. honestly, I'm quite happy that I got to go out with Azie... although it wasn't exactly a date...

Well... hope that I can get to go out with her again some time....
We'll see....
Upcoming movies that I'm looking forward to... Kung Fu Hustle, starring Stephen Chow & Disney Production's National Treasure, starring Nichalos Cage....


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