Over a year has gone. HYBRID has recovered from his last fall after FATE’s game and has continued to set forth with his life; FATE still weaving Her obstacles for him and the ‘Demon of the Conscience’, ID still present and battling with him as he progressed.
How will his journey be from here onwards?

HYBRID smiles.

He’s looking forward to what’s ahead.

Monday, December 06, 2004

Zack Tiang's Diary

Well... today was one day spent with some of my friends... Roger, Adrian Foo, Guan Thai, Lish and others....

Got up pretty early... Adrian picked me up, Guan Thai in his car already....
Went to 88 coffee shop and met up with Roger and had breakfast... have to say.. didn't enjoy the dried noodle there....
The place where they were going to look for the part-time job happened to still be closed....
so went to a nearby cyber cafe and played some game...
Roger played Gunbound while Adrian & I played some Warcraft: Frozen Throne... (DotA map... One-on-One)
Guan Thai didn't played but only watched us...
Even though this was the first time playing for the both of us, I beat Adrian with an unfair advantage... as I was more familiar with the game.. my bro plays that map often on Battlenet and I enjoy watching him....
An hour of playing, the place was opened and we went to check it out...
Turned out to be AmInvestment... and we were all under-aged to work there... less than 21... despite that.. we were (practically) given a lecture or walkthrough of the AmInvestment whatever.... sigh... Roger and I neither understood much of what was going on nor were interested....
two hours later, we finally got out of there...
With that over with... Adrian & Guan Thai went home.... while I followed Roger to Prime College, since earlier Lish had messaged me that his exam results had come on.
As expected, he got straight 'D's for his exam.... 'D' for 'Distinction' that is...
sigh... these people ah.... I wonder if they are so bored kah.... can study that powerfully....

Hehehe... while just 'wasting' time at there... Roger went to play some more Gunbound on a friend's laptop...
For the first time in his life... during the last round of GB.. he was able to score a double-kill... which made he pretty happy the rest of the time....

Went to Yakin to have lunch... together with Roger, Lish and a friend of theirs...
After that.... dropped me back home so I can get changed and bring a bottle of water... for badminton later....
After dropping, Lish and her friend back at Prime... we headed to our usual badminton place...
Kevin, Adrian Foo & Stanley were there to play with the two of us...

badminton done... got home... and that is all...
now it's night time... I'm online (duh...) and I'm chatting with friends on MSN... including Azie's cousins... especially Tania... who... appears to be... interogating me.... or something...

Anyway... that's all from me.... End of this diary entry...


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