Over a year has gone. HYBRID has recovered from his last fall after FATE’s game and has continued to set forth with his life; FATE still weaving Her obstacles for him and the ‘Demon of the Conscience’, ID still present and battling with him as he progressed.
How will his journey be from here onwards?

HYBRID smiles.

He’s looking forward to what’s ahead.

Saturday, December 04, 2004

Entering the time of my holidays!

Well... it isn't exactly a well made plan for the holidays, but what the heck!

Today, Bay picked me to meet up with Abel at Annie's Little Kitchen...
but turns out that it is closed.... then went to campus...
Why am I and Bay going to meet with Abel?
Remember on Friday I got a call from Abel about helping him with something?
Well, this afternoon, there is going to be some kind of session in the auditorium at the Pustaka Miri... a session to introduce people of outside Miri to Curtin's courses and scholarship offers, etc..
We went to meet with Abel to work on what we two were supposed to talk about during this session...
It didn't take long to discuss before we moved to the cafeteria to have lunch....
I already had my lunch, so as Abel and Bay ate, I wrote out my speech.... hehe... I'm not exactly good at impromptu speeches.. especially on such topics...

1.30pm, we left for Pustaka Miri in Bay's car. Abel went through his own speech while we were along the way...
We got there and went straight to the auditorium....
I got to see some of my friends from my high school... and then some of my closer friends were there too... Roger & his mother, Adrian Foo, Guan Thai and others...
the session started a while after we arrived...
Somewhere along Abel's talk... Bay was brought forward to say his speech for a few minutes.... and then me for about five minutes...
I believe I didn't do very well... but I didn't really mind it...

The session ended at 4pm.... Bay sent me back... and that's about it for my day...
other than going online for the night...
well... Roger, Guan Thai and Adrian are planning to go look for a job during the holidays...
I'll probably be joining them... we'll see lah...


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