Over a year has gone. HYBRID has recovered from his last fall after FATE’s game and has continued to set forth with his life; FATE still weaving Her obstacles for him and the ‘Demon of the Conscience’, ID still present and battling with him as he progressed.
How will his journey be from here onwards?

HYBRID smiles.

He’s looking forward to what’s ahead.

Sunday, November 21, 2004

All for one day and one day for all!!

Don't understand what the title mean?
Well... the meaning behind the title is... within this one day (Saturday, November 20th, 2004) I was able to spend quite some time with nearly all of my close friends....
Here's the story....

Woke up with an aching body from wushu just the other night... hahaha!
Nothing much happened in the morning... just did some planning of the movie outing that me, Roger, Lish, Adrian Foo & some others were having that afternoon...
Had a bit of problem with transport... as Adrian couldn't drive for that day... and he was to pick me to Parkson...
in the end.. the problem was solved.. and we all met up at Parkson....
Bringing the photos of the Curtin Grand Ball, I had them have a look at most of the people that I was hanging out with at Curtin....
For your knowledge.. Roger, Lish, Adrian and the others that came that afternoon were from Prime College....
However.. a few of them MIGHT be coming to join me at Curtin next year... like Adrian....

Anyway.... Afternoon,
we had our lunch together while waiting for the time of the movie... 1pm... The Incredibles...
An d let me tell you.... The Incredibles, by PIXAR, is an EXCELLENT movie to watch... especially with friends....
the comedy and humor is great... I'll be honest... I don't often laugh at the jokes or humor in movies as of nowadays..... with me getting to know of a lot of different jokes and humors as time advances... but this movie was really funny... believe me! With some of the characters' actions or personality and others!
The action in the movie was good and also had a blend of comedy.. which was all right.
The graphic was... INCREDIBLE! I absolutely LOVE the water graphic.. the water looked really good, like the real thing... Same goes for the hair graphic on the women... Really nice! There was a scene where this two different graphics had to be combined.... (Characters in water) ... where the wet hair were just excellent!
The creativity of the movie I really admire... Like the beginning of the storyline... I really never would've expected such a story to exist! Well.. that could just be only me... You watch the movie and then tell me!
However, there are some parts of the story that had seemed pretty obvious and predictable to me... like how the main villain had turned out to be that way.... and even what caused his ultimate defeat.... heheeh! You'd notice all of this too if you are as observant as I was...
Anyway.... I truly recommend you to watch this movie with your close friends... trust me.. it feels INCREDIBLE to enjoy this movie with them....

After the movie... spent some time loitering around Parkson.... then Roger helped to send me back...
Back home, I got myself ready for the dinner tonight... the CV! Appreciation Dinner at Grand Palace Hotel....
Wore the same formal attire I wore that night for the Curtin Grand Ball... minus the blazer...
Iqbal finally came to my house at about 7pm or so....
Secretly brought in Abel's birthday cake and then I joined everyone else..... surprising some people with my sudden appearance...

OK... those that came to the dinner, I can remember, were... Abel, Iqbal, VJ, KC, Cucu, Jenny, Seryna, Snow Jae, Bay, Darryl, his gf (Sorry, don't know your name), Nadia, Azie, Stanley, Raymond Ting, his friend Ryan, Nichalos, Krishna, Edmund, Joana, Bella, Gretchel, Ron, Sara, Navodi, Fiona, Izzah, Zhung Yi... that's all...
It had a lot of fun... especially with VJ... hahaha! The night was definitely fun cause of you, my MC friend!
Time for a toast!
A Toast to CV! Cheers!
(Inside joke) ABEL: The cake's so hard!
REPLY: That's because it's ice-cream cake.
IQBAL: It's not milkshake, but it's good enough.
Abel & Azie singing as beautifully as always.

Dinner... one cake... some games..... a few karaoke... and lots more later.... and it was already near the end...
We had a round of appreciations... starting with Abel... He spoke out his appreciations to everyone that was still there....
After I don know how long later... KC & VJ gave their speech of appreciation to CV! and all of us.... after them were... (Not in order) Ron, Bella, me, Iqbal, Sara, Jenny & Joana...
It was kind of a sentimental moment for some of us... but it was great...
After that round of appreciations, we had to leave...
Most of us planned to continue the night.. with clubbin' at Cheeries Berries.... but some of us went home...
Iqbal helped to send me back.... hahaha, though some of them, like Abel & even, Bella asked me to join them... hahhaa! Thanks guy, but couldn't...

Just to add a few information of what had happened that night....
Krishna was wet...... after he got to dive into the pool.. along with his not formal attire....

That's what you get for coming CASUAL to a FORMAL dinner at the POOLside.
VJ became really drunk at the end of the night.... (became apparent during the round of appreciation time)
VJ: I'm not drunk! Stop treating me like a drunk man! SHUT UP!

Actually.... after the round of appreciation.... it got me to think.... like in the picture above...
Some of us were going to be gone by next year.... like Iqbal, VJ, KC, Jenny.. even Abel himself might be gone some time next year...
sigh... I truly wonder how things will be like without these guys...
It's been so fun.... I just truly wish that it could continue like this for a much longer time... like as long as my time in Curtin!!
sigh.. but that's too much to wish for, I suppose...
Well.... Life goes on always.... You just gotta be able to adapt to the changes...

Anyway.. since last night I wasn't able to give a really good appreciation speech... I plan to write a proper one soon....
Wait for it til then... all right?


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