Over a year has gone. HYBRID has recovered from his last fall after FATE’s game and has continued to set forth with his life; FATE still weaving Her obstacles for him and the ‘Demon of the Conscience’, ID still present and battling with him as he progressed.
How will his journey be from here onwards?

HYBRID smiles.

He’s looking forward to what’s ahead.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Third day of HARI RAYA

Told you about this day.. and here I am to get you in on what had happened on this day... yesterday...
but honestly... nothing much happened...

woke up at 10 or so.... still had no idea what time Iqbal was going to pick me up...
then 11.30am or around that time, he SMSed me to tell me that his car can't start and now he's looking for a ride himself....
I thought he might've been able to find someone to help him... but apparently it didn't turn out as I thought...
which meant I'll be the one doing the car pool this time....

and to think he had an exam from 12pm til 2pm if I am not mistaken...
the same time as my brother's who had already drove off....
so had to wait until after 2.30pm which was the time my bro arrived home with the car...
then went to Iqbal's house... thought he'd be there by the time I arrive at about 3pm.. but he only came back minutes later....
my mother actually packed about six homemade chicken sandwiches for Iqbal and others.... and I've put it in his fridge... (Make sure to share it with the others, Iqqy!)

At Iqbal's house, while he was changing his clothes, I tried to contact Abel... but no response except from his voice message.....
then contacted Seryna telling her that we'll be picking her up to go to Nadia's later...

Did that.... then headed to Abel's house.... as we were about to arrive, only then did he response to us... with a sms... 'What?'
Hahaha... anyway... with that, we headed for Nadia's house... Abel driving his own car, accompanied by Iqbal while Seryna accompanied me in my car.
Jalan sesat bah! While Abel went to fill up his car's petrol, I drove off to her place first....
As we tried to locate Nadia's house, we constantly went to the wrong places....
not very good road directions.... grrrrr...........

anyway.. FINALLY got to the house, minutes after Abel and Iqbal...
Entering her house, I saw Ehon, Jenny, Nicholas, Krishna, Liz, Hari and Edmund....
apparently, they had been there for quite a while and there had been other company as well... such as Azie's large family...
This is the sitting room as you can see at the background.
What are they looking at? I don know.. but I've the feeling it's the ceiling.....

anyway.. had something to eat.... sat around and talk... a lot.....
I don't know how long later, everyone just planned to go to the back and sit to talk somemore... cause of the extra guests coming in....
it was quite comfortable... the environment... the wind... the mosquito.... nevermind...
Just one of the photos taken when we were at the backyard.

anyway... then Abel, Seryna and Iqbal planned to go to campus to do some... online work.... or whatever else they want to do.... so they went off first...
After spending some more time there, everyone planned to leave... or more that Nadia 'halau' us....
We all went off then, except Liz....
I, at first, thought to go back home.... bu then... on second thought, thought to join Abel and others back on campus....

By the time I reached campus, it was 6pm.... the door of the admin building was not operating/switched off... and I didn't know how to get in....
and with my phone dead of credit (DiGi burned my 22 cents!! T_T ), I couldn't contact Iqbal or anyone I knew who was there....
After going to the other computer labs at the general purpose buildings, I found Edmund, Wong and the Monsterz Group (Jeremy, Lu/Ong, Aldrich, including Ling Khing) in the lab at G3...
I borrowed Edmund's mobile phone to contact Iqbal [Thank you, Edmund!]... and it so happens they were planning to go down stairs...
Then went back to the admin building.... this time, when I got to the door, I tried sliding it open.... it worked!!
slipped in and waited for them.... minutes later, Sara came!
He was looking for Abel and the others... without hesitation, he went up the lift, followed by me... to find them...
He asked me if we had gone to Nadia's place... my answer was (obviously) 'Yes'....
He then told me that he had actually wanted to go but no one contacted him...

Going to Abel's workplace where we met Seryna, Iqbal and Jenny... he asked Iqbal why he didn't contact him about going to Nadia's place...
Iqbal explained that he couldn't get through to Sara's phone when we were going...
Hahaha, too bad for Sara.
anyway, Abel, Iqbal, Jenny and Seryna were planning togo to one of Azie's aunt's house, which was somewhere in Senadin area....
I felt happy for my decision to come to campus instead... hehe!
Sara couldn't join for this visit... but he wanted to send his regards to Azie.

Once we left in our cars for Azie's aunt's house... me following behind Abel.... boy... did we often get to the wrong places...
sigh.. a day of wrong turns for me I suppose.... sigh...
about ten minutes or more of driving, Abel then phoned Azie to ask for directions....
immediately we got to the right house.... and the house was B-E-A-U-T-ful!
One part of the sitting room... The house is really beautiful.
Abel played a little the piano that was in the sitting room.

Seems to be a pattern here...
First, Azie's house that was so comfortable that we were having a hard time to leave...
Second, her cousin, Dian's house that was very nice as well....
Then this house... WOW, this family!

Anyway... we got to listen to good music, then we were introduced to the living room where there was a large screen TV... besides that, there was also this big shelf that held A LOT of dolls from different places/countries.
Azie explained that her aunt enjoyed traveling... that would explain the dolls from different countries...
We also got to hang for a while at the patio that was just beside the living room...
I so envy them... Their house is so nicely decorated and so comfortable... sigh....
Some time later, we also got to watch and listen to Azie play some music on a keyboard that was in the living room as well..
I watched on as Azie and Abel did a few duets.

It was such a great night.... at about... 9pm or so... We then left.....
but before we actually left, we got to take a short look at the garden at the front of the house...
another one of the beautiful parts of the house.... sigh....
anyway, we left and headed to Boulevard... KFC!! Why? To eat! What? We weren't hungry when we were at Azie's aunt's house... and when we left.... we started to feel the hunger... well... me anyway... xp
anyway... ate some chicken... I then went back home on my own at about around 10.15pm....

It's been a good day... sigh.. I am so grateful for this good life of mine... =)

DISCLAIMER: The photos are again NOT mine... Gotten from Jenny's Multiply.


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