Over a year has gone. HYBRID has recovered from his last fall after FATE’s game and has continued to set forth with his life; FATE still weaving Her obstacles for him and the ‘Demon of the Conscience’, ID still present and battling with him as he progressed.
How will his journey be from here onwards?

HYBRID smiles.

He’s looking forward to what’s ahead.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Chemistry Presentations

Just thought I greet 'Happy Halloween!' to everyone anyway! =D

Yesterday and today, I got to watched three groups do their presentation for Chemistry...
and I would like to write my comments on those that presented.

You were all right in your presentation, but you need more practise in your presentation.
You look the look, but you didn't talk the talk. You lacked confidence in your speech...

probably because you weren't very sure of what you were suppose to talk about...
Your voice volume is all right, but not good enough. You should talk louder.


You're one HELL of a funny guy... but that doesn't mean your presentation was any good....
It just means that your presentation was funny...
It's good though, that your presentation was funny.. but you also lack confidence in your speech...
same problem as Amos mostly...
Though, still all right... you smiled, which was nice... You made people laugh, which is good...
but you'll definitely need to improve yourself in your presentation...

Well, actually, you would do all right with presentations.. just that this time, you weren't prepared...

you didn't know well of what you were talking about.... You spoke not loudly enough...
You should really know your speech better next time...
You too have the look, but just didn't deliver the talk.

You were all right... could use a higher volume in your speech (speak louder) but it's all right....

The 'aura' you had during your speech was.... I don know.... mild? it didn't give out much of emotion & energy....
not a serious one.. not a lively one... not a nervous one... not a cheery one...
though I could tell you had confident, which is good.
Nothing much to say but to just keep it up!

You were all right too, but you definitely need to speak louder during your speech....

(What happened to the usually loud Liz!!?)
You brought in a fun look during your presentation which is nice...
cause it makes your speech seemed interesting....
Do work to keep your voice high during your presentations next time...

sigh.. you.... ok... first of all, you speak TOO SOFTLY man....

It was like you were reciting your speech to yourself like in your speech practises...
And your speech was not powerful or... influencing....
as you gave your example, with the apple thing.... because of the way you were speaking, anyone would've lost interest half way through your visualizing.... or never even bothered in the first place...
You need to be more influencial when doing such audience interactions..... talk loudly, clearly and more energetically...

You were all right... though you should talk with more... I don know... energy? you were going on and on with your presentation that it's almost a straight line... no ups or downs....

work to be more charismatic....
but your voice and how your presentation went was fine.... just work on your charisma...

You were all right... Voice should be louder, but all right...

The way you speak.. just somehow attracts people to listen... MAKE USE OF THAT!!
if you're able to talk with more animation, you'll probably be a very good speaker for sure...

Jac Lee,
Hmm... your voice was all right... but needs to be louder and not... bumpy...

You were constantly stopping in your sentences that you were stuttering...
You should get to know what you're suppose to be saying, otherwise you'll spend more time looking at the slides than the audience...
which brings me to your eye contact... you should be looking more to the audience... which you did, but not very much....
You were good and have potential to be better.... Work on it!

Let me tell you this... I know you're a quiet person, but when doing presentation, it's best not to show that.. and you show it very clearly.. through your style of speaking and your appearance...

I have to admit that I liked that you know acceptably well of what you were talking about... but you too were practically reading than speaking....
very poor eye contact and very inanimated....
You should really work on improving your speech/presentation....

Xu Yang,
Ah dui.... this guy.... what you were saying up at the front.. I have to admit.. I haven't a clue a word that you spoke....

It was more like you were talking all of your speech to yourself than to the audience...
the closest audience to you would practically not know a word you spoke either probably... no offense or anything...
Another thing.... you were completely reading your notes and the slides the whole time.... showing clearly that you had NO IDEA what you were supposed to talk about....
if everything had been in Chinese, you would've probably been better.. but it's in English, so... PLEASE do improve your presentation, next time...

and finally, Henry,
like Tiong, you too revealed very clearly to everyone that you were a quiet person...
You spoke too softly and you were very inanimated.... not lively...
You knew fairly well of what you were suppose to talk about.. but you were still reading way too much for your score health....
You should REALLY improve on your presentation, all right?

hopefully no one is offended by my comments.... I'm just trying to help you realise your weakness and improve on them....


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