Over a year has gone. HYBRID has recovered from his last fall after FATE’s game and has continued to set forth with his life; FATE still weaving Her obstacles for him and the ‘Demon of the Conscience’, ID still present and battling with him as he progressed.
How will his journey be from here onwards?

HYBRID smiles.

He’s looking forward to what’s ahead.

Saturday, October 23, 2004

Fun but still tiring Saturday...

Boy... I had quite a time on campus today.... and with my friends.

Morning was the Maths Workshop for some Form 4 students from SMK Dato Permaisuri (I think....) who were identified as poor in Maths...
there were 36 of them that came... and one teacher of theirs....
at first, we had actually predicted VERY naughty and 'sam seng' students... the ones that are usually going against the rules and being rude and all...
but it turned out to be otherwise! they were great 'kids'! better behavior than I myself had prepared myself for...
we had quite some fun... they were very sporting teenagers...
the supposed reasons for their poor performance in Maths was their lack of the basics.... either from the fault of the teachers.. or their own... or both....

Anyway, many of us, the CV! members & the Form 4 students had fun... we WERE successful in making some of them start to enjoy Maths, which was a really happy triumph for us CV! members...
Most of the students wish for a longer workshop, which I felt like a really admirable compliment for us and our work...
they even wanted to spend more time with us.... two/three days and one/two nights!!

I feel SO SORRY for my Chemistry project group members.. for not being able to make it for whatever meeting that they had that afternoon....
Marilyn had sms me to meet her and others at the lab... and I couldn't make it....
when I was able to.. they were already heading back.... I AM SO SORRY, GUYS!

anyway... lunch... I got to join Abel, Snow J, Serena, Iqbal, VJ, Liz, Ehon, Edmund, Jenny and the additional Nadia and Nicholas...
it was a great time.. while waiting for that Brazilian guy of the Rotaract Club.... big guy who was only 19!
I'm not too sure how to spell his name.. so better not make a fool of myself and just remember him for myself and those who were there....
We got to know him quite well.. He was a really friendly guy.
We spent the whole rest of the afternoon with the guy as soon as he got to join US... talking at the cafeteria... giving him a tour of the campus...
We REALLY gotten to know him quite well!!

Abel, Jenny, Edmund, Jessie, Neilson, VJ, Iqbal and myself went to Desserts again... along with KC and that Brazillian guy....
we ate some ice-cream.. then the Brazillian had to go to some dinner... but the rest of us continued to stay there...
and got to talk.... A LOT!!
sigh.. the things Abel and his 'brothers' would talk about...
anyway... it was a great time nonetheless.... sigh.. so tired...
and I still have school work to take care of... sigh... and the Chemistry project presentation on Monday... sigh....


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