Over a year has gone. HYBRID has recovered from his last fall after FATE’s game and has continued to set forth with his life; FATE still weaving Her obstacles for him and the ‘Demon of the Conscience’, ID still present and battling with him as he progressed.
How will his journey be from here onwards?

HYBRID smiles.

He’s looking forward to what’s ahead.

Sunday, October 17, 2004

A See-Saw of A Saturday

Boy... yesterday was quite a day....
Rained heavily, but had to go to campus, Curtin SarawakMalaysia (CSM)... Got there, no problem there...
Later, went on a visit to the Kidney Dialysis Centre with a group of friends... which included Abel, Serena, Snow J, Ehon, Fera, Jenny, Edmund, Wang Gek, and some others who I didn't know their names...
Boy, was the visit quite informative and as Abel commented, "An eye-opener!"...
We got to learn a lot about the kidney dialysizing process and the many causes of kidney failure that results to one needing this dialysis...
Did you know that they are NO synctoms of kidney failure and if you do see them, it is already TOO LATE!?
The only way to be sure if you have a sign of kidney failure is that you do a blood test at least once a year.
Morgan, who took us around the center, said, "Go to take a blood test during your birthday, as a present to yourself."
If you have kidney failure, you can live for like five years more or so, and with this dialysis, you can only PROLONG it to another fifteen or twenty years more.
that means having to do the dialysis process four hours each three times a week.. EVERY WEEK for the rest of your LIFE!!
if you go to the one that I visited, it costs RM120 per dialysis!! You do the math!!

after the visit, returned to campus... had lunch and then helped Serena do some work at the LT Foyer... Sara, Jenny, Lis and Nadia were there too, joined for a while by Benet, one of the student council (He's a nice guy)...
Sara didn't get to spend long with us there... and some time later, Jenny too had to go... leaving only me, Serena, Lis and Nadia.... then Abel came back from a meeting and joined us....
It was great just to keep talking about... 'things' with one another.

hoi... did something really made Abel angry... and I could understand why... sigh... it's better not to say, but I feel sorry for the fellow that made Abel mad...
Despite how irresponsible he was, he was still a good friend... When I got to know him during Orientation, I actually looked highly of the guy...
It is really unfortunate that he screwed things up.... until even Abel now considers not looking for him for any more help.

Later, we went out to dinner, after 6pm... Me, Abel, Serena and Lis.
First, went to Dessert for some ice-cream... Lis was just craving for some...
We got to meet with Iqbal, Dee Dee and (shoot, I forgotten her name) there, but shortly after they had to go...
Then went to Sultana for dinner... Man, did we spend a LONG time there just talking after finishing our food...
We spend like... from approximately 7 til almost 10pm talking there! Which was GREAT!!! I feel that we gotten to know a lot more about each other... though there's plenty more to come, I'm sure...
Then, my mother called for me to go back... and with that, we left Sultana, after paying of course...
but then, getting back to Abel's car (he drove all of us there), which was in front of Dessert... HE was craving for more ice-cream!
Hahaha... I agreed to go for another round of ice-cream....
and, not to my knowledge, we spent about an hour more there... and then my mother called my mobile phone again, asking for me to get back home....
Which we finally did, as Abel brought me home...

It was a great day, yesterday... despite some downs during the way... but it was great...
I LOVE so much to spend time with my close friends!!


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