Over a year has gone. HYBRID has recovered from his last fall after FATE’s game and has continued to set forth with his life; FATE still weaving Her obstacles for him and the ‘Demon of the Conscience’, ID still present and battling with him as he progressed.
How will his journey be from here onwards?

HYBRID smiles.

He’s looking forward to what’s ahead.

Monday, November 08, 2004

Defending myself against gang-up

It would seem a 'gang' has come together to go against me...
or could it just be two person playing more than one role... including the role of ME!

Let me just say again....
I was never talking bad about these people... Just saying what I saw and thought should be improved.
The blog I made with the comments of their presentation was NEVER meant to make fun of them.
It never even included something funny or embarrassing or humiliating.
Even if it did, their audience would understand what I mean... You guys weren't, so don't go accusing my actions as wrong, bad or humiliating.

Kantha Kumar....
Thank you for your opinion. Thankfully, not everyone, who 'don't know(?)' me personally, thinks that way.

You don't have to be all 'high and mighty' to be allowed to comment on others, you know?
A citizen is allowed to comment on the government...
A government is allowed to comment on the citizen...
A teacher is allowed to comment on students...
A student is allowed to comment on teachers...
A teacher is allowed to comment on the other teachers...
Why can't a student comment on the other students?

Some of my friends (that were included in the comment) had read the blog, and never retaliated like how you guys did.
And on the other hand, I have judged myself very well, ok?
I'm not the BEST presenter/speaker/speecher in my class, but at least I'm not the worst.
I know what should be done to improve on their performance, cause I was one of the audience, and I've gone through a theatre workshop before and learned things that can be applied in this field (presentation/speeches)...
I was once a prefect in a recognised school, where I learned even more things that involved such fields....
SO don't you THINK I don't know how to judge people and haven't judged myself.

Do what? What exactly are you accusing me of doing?
Commenting others in the online public? 'Humiliating' them in the online public? 'Saying bad things' about others to the online public?
cause the only thing that I did was the first one.... none of the rest that I spoke of earlier....
And did you realise that what Kantha & ooopppsss said were two different things?
Kantha was saying that what I did was fine and nothing terrible. and that he would like us to just forgive and forget.
ooopppsss on the other hand was talking more about me being wrong for judging others when I'm not 'high & mighty'...

THEN THERE'S THIS PERSON.... who said...
'no way i m going 2 end this argument. F*ck wit what kantha & ooopppss(whatever ur name is), i want to fight till someone say sorry and i mean Senior u r wrong'
who the **** you think you are? Impersonating ME and saying such things that I would NEVER say to ANYONE?
I would NEVER say F*** what someone else said!
What everyone's opinions are are relevent to any argument... whether in support or opposition.. whether weak or strong.... whether stupid or smart....
I always respect what other people think, despite not being in my favour or unacceptable to my beliefs....
Even if I do not agree with someone else's opinion, I would STILL listen to everything he/she has to say...
when he/she is done with what he/she needs to say.. THEN I speak out my disagree to his/her opinion...
It is mere common sense and manners to let someone else be done with what they need to say and LISTEN carefully to what they are sayng.
if someone else's opinion was wrong/false, I would not only say that he/she is wrong, but I'll challenge that with my own evidences and opinions, etc...
**** you, whoever you are, and I wish you a life of unpleasantness.

why shouldn't I judge others? don't YOU judge others?
how can something improve if there is no judgment?
how can a criminal be considered guilty for his/her crime, if no one was to judge his/her actions?
or how can an innocent person accused of a crime be considered not guilty, if no one was to judge his/her actions?
no matter what, judgment is needed! for the good or bad!

I respect the fact that you don't agree with me commenting about others...
but so far, I don't see you accepting the fact that I DO comment on others.
I don't see why you can't accept what I did when I was able to accept how you and others felt?
This is what I do, and so far, no one has yet to tell me PERSONALLY that what I did was wrong, and show me the errors of my ways....
until then, I'm not changing myself.


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