Over a year has gone. HYBRID has recovered from his last fall after FATE’s game and has continued to set forth with his life; FATE still weaving Her obstacles for him and the ‘Demon of the Conscience’, ID still present and battling with him as he progressed.
How will his journey be from here onwards?

HYBRID smiles.

He’s looking forward to what’s ahead.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

The Day After the Third Day

Don't understand the title of this post?
It means the day after the third day of HARI RAYA!!

Came to campus for a special extra Physics session... purposely to 'remind' us of the tips for the final exam...
Anyway.. after the session... 10am.... came down to the cafeteria and found Nadia and Liz buying somethings to eat and drink...
Was later joined by Jack... When he bought a plate of roti canai, I followed suit.. good thing he reminded me of that...
Then Abel came to join us.
We got to enjoy some good conversations... some good laughs... and of course the company of each other...
Amos and Andre eventually joined us as we spent our time there...
That morning, me & Amos decided to join the Student Ambassadors for Orientation Week 2005... what's that?
Student Ambassadors would equal the committee members taking care of the Orientation of a school....

After registering ourselves at the Student Services, went back to the cafeteria....
Amos went off to the ME computer lab while I went to accompany Liz & Nadia... why? just didn't feel like going in front of the computer at the time....
We spent some more time together til afternoon... when KC, Gretchel, Iqbal, Navodi, Nadia's brother & his friends, Krishna, Hari, Ehon & Amos got to join us... not all at once that is....
we all had lunch... after a while, when there was only me, Amos, Ehon, Liz & Nadia... We got to look at some.. no, wait.... A LOT of photos in Ehon's laptop...
Ahh.... sweet memories.... all within the time of this Semester...
Nadia just couldn't help but express her astonishment for the time flying by so fast in a way....
sigh.... this three months had seemed so short... yet so many had happened....

anyway... later that afternoon, Abel came again... got to join him along with Navodi, Iqbal, Liz, Nadia, KC, Edmund & Jenny...
talk some more again.. hehehe... for quite some time....
We finally went our separate ways at about 3pm later....
I and Edmund went to look for Amos, who had planned to go to Azie's house for Hari Raya.. along with Ehon and some others...
We had some trouble searching for Amos and only when Edmund called him on his HP, did we know that he and the others had gone to town... sheesh.... without telling us about it when I had told him earlier I was joining him to go to Azie's place....
anyway.... we had less than one hour before we would all leave for Azie's place... so, went to one of G3 computer lab to waste time online...
soon enough, Amos and others contacted us that they're coming to the student drop-off area....
Edmund and I 'rushed' all the way to there and waited for them.... [Whatever happened here would just be between me and Edmund, huh? lazy to go into details...]

We, Amos, Ehon, Krishna, Hari, Edmund & I, finally arrived at Azie's house.. after a while of turning here and there.....
We were greeted by her father and then Azie into the house...
settling ourselves in... a few of us got to play a few rounds of English chess....
then most of us got attracted to join the kids at the room with the playstations....
I got to play a bit on the Playstation 2... Crash Nitro Kart... against Azie's brother... and then got to play against Azie herself... hehehe!
It was fun... even though it was only a few rounds....
By 5.30pm.. we had to go..... bidding our goodbyes... we went off...
Amos had to ask about Abel's plans to go to Desserts that night.. but after talking to Abel on the HP, found out that the plan had been canceled..

I had asked Amos to drop me off at Boulevard... so I could buy myself a reload card for my HP....
Reloaded RM50 for my HP... then after checking my balance.... it showed RM49.77.... Did I overuse my credit before????

anyway... walked home on my own.... ate dinner.. had my shower... then came online to do all of this blogging...
hehehe.... kind of bored at home... hoping that I meet some people to chat with online....
but no one to... sigh.....
It's been a fine day anyway.... Next big event.... the CV! Appreciation Dinner this Saturday....
Will keep you updated on that, DEFINITELY!!


Blogger Ľ¡Ĺ PΪńΚ΅ said...

Thanks tiang.. actually its not meant to be all shadowed I was jus experimenting stuff... hehehe.. and now its back to normal again

6:43 PM


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