Over a year has gone. HYBRID has recovered from his last fall after FATE’s game and has continued to set forth with his life; FATE still weaving Her obstacles for him and the ‘Demon of the Conscience’, ID still present and battling with him as he progressed.
How will his journey be from here onwards?

HYBRID smiles.

He’s looking forward to what’s ahead.

Thursday, November 25, 2004

Another day of supposed studying.... X_X

Yeah... it's just that bad.... Was suppose to do some more study... but instead didn't do much of it... sigh....

Got up at 9.30am... immediately rushed to get ready to leave for campus....
then realised Nadia had SMS me... asking me to help her with Maths...
Of course I complied to help her... Actually, last night, made plan to go to Azie's place to join her and Mun to study together... but nevermind that....
I supposed it was better that I went to campus to study anyway....
This morning, drove to Azie's house to return her father's Malay shirt that was still with me since Hari Raya...
Then drove to campus to meet with Nadia in the library.
Did Maths together til 11.30am when Nadia felt like walking around... so we went off to take a look at the Internal marks she'd accumulated.
Just as we've left the Admin & Library Building, Abel SMSed me.... Guess what?
He invited me to join him for lunch at Dynasty...
Since I was with Nadia, I knew I'd to invite her with me.
Lucky! Abel belanja us! Hehe!! =D

Nadia wasn't really happy with the Internal marks she'd accumulated... which were, honestly, good enough for me.. but it's her, not me....
I drove the both of us to Dynasty... with a few wrong turns at the end of our road trip... xp
Iqbal got there before we did and was with Abel who was attending to a few old friends of his.
Hahaha, we had quite some good laughs... after Abel's friends left, Iqbal commented that they would now think of us as crazy maniacs or something of that sort...
I wouldn't mind even if they do... Makes us harder to be forgotten.. hehehe!

Anyway.. we spent time together for a few hours... nice talks, good laughs, great company, comfortable environment... it was just stress-relieving....
Then... 3.30pm, Nadia and I finally left for campus again. Nadia wanted to drive back home in her own car.
Once back on campus... Nadia went to get her things and then went off...
I went to finsih my Maths... which didn't take me long...
Once I was done it was 4.30pm.... then headed back home....

Tomorrow continue more with my 'studying'.... sigh..... definitely need help....


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