Over a year has gone. HYBRID has recovered from his last fall after FATE’s game and has continued to set forth with his life; FATE still weaving Her obstacles for him and the ‘Demon of the Conscience’, ID still present and battling with him as he progressed.
How will his journey be from here onwards?

HYBRID smiles.

He’s looking forward to what’s ahead.

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Plain start... meaningful end...

Well.... let me just explain what happened on this day...

Woke up at between 6.30 til 7am.... Did some online stuff....
prepared myself to go out.... then before 10.30am, drove to campus.... to join Azie to study together...
Spent hours studying at the library.... well... I tried to study anyway....
jolt down all of the Physics fomulas that I found through my lecture notes...
and then I found the time already entering evening....
well.... it's not that there were a lot to jolt down.. it's just that I've just been busy along the way.....

ONE - had to go meet with Hadrian, the new Student Affairs Officer, on the Student Ambassador thing....
He explained to me briefly of what this Student Ambassador thing is about....
for some reason.. the way he explained it... it seems that the Student Ambassador or.. as he mentioned it... Curtin Ambassador... is more of less like Curtin Volunteers...
volunteering to help out with whatever activities in Curtin... such as, he mentioned, John Curtin Month & Orientation....
this made me wanted to ask him if Curtin Ambassador had anything to do with CV!... but I just kept my mouth shut....
the current main activity to prepare for would be the Orientation Week 2005....
he explained that they'll do all of the planning... we, the Curtin Ambassador, are just going to help out to facilitate and be 'friends', role models, etc to the new students...
though he also added that there will be empty slots during the O-Week that we can think of some activities of our own to have fun with the students....
He explained that this coming O-Week will more or less be runned like before.... but we'll have to see how 'alike' it is next sem...
For your information, we, Curtin Ambassadors, who want to be involve in the O-Week 2005 will need to return to Curtin on Feb 17, 18 & 19... for some briefings and everything before the O-Week itself...

TWO - Last week I forgotten to hand up my Progress Sheet for Maths... and also missed out to finish the latest three work..... since the due date was last Friday, I just thought to just pass up the sheet anyway....
even without the last three signs, I'm confident that I'll be able to pass my Maths anyway... but it seems Ms. Jane doesn't care about that....
she asked me to finish them and passed them up to her by latest this Friday....
since then, I had to do Maths... instead of studying for Physics... sigh...

THREE - I also went to check out my Internal marks for my courses... like Chemistry, Physics and English.... Well.... it's all right lah.... if I can pass my final exams papers, then I am sure to pass my foundation.... thank my goodness...
For Physics, I have to thank Albert & Vun Jiun for taking care of the lab reports and everything.... even you two, I'd probably would not've gotten as much mark as I did for Physics....
For Chemistry, I have to thank Albert, Ling Khing, Yu Yen & Marilyn for taking care of most of the Chemistry assignment, while I had been busy with other activities....
sigh.... I feel so guilty for not being more contributing to the project....

FOUR - I had the occasional breaks to look at some photos in Azie's laptop... together with Nadia when she came to join us later that afternoon....

FIVE - Azie and I had a long while of lunch break....

anyway.... Azie went back home following Nadia....
I went back home..... took a quick shower and got ready for Wushu that night...
hehe... tonight's Wushu was somewhat more special than before..
that is because two of my close friends were finally going to join me for the first time.... Roger & Nellie.. plus another friend of mine who has already been to more than five classes.. Adrian Foo...
not only that... I got to meet with two new ones too... younger and no one that I knew of....
seemed that that night we had quite a lot of trainees.... that's rare...
anyway.. it was fun.... and somewhere during the training... I received a call from Abel...
Actually, earlier that evening, Seryna had SMS me about a sudden party that Abel's parents threw for him that night.... and asked me to join them... but I replied that I couldn't...
Abel called to ask me to go because his mother actually requested for me to join.... well... not exactly request but she knew my name so she mentioned it.... [Nice eggs!]

10pm or so... Wushu was done.. and I asked Adrian to help send me to Abel's place...
Good thing for me I can still remember the road to his place....
Got there soon enough... and immediately, I realized everyone was like... calling out my name!
Man.... we sure had a lot of fun and laughs that night! Especially because of Abel's drunk brother! HILARIOUS!!!
It was a great night.... though.. silly of me to have left my HP in Adrian's car!!!
sigh... definitely had to contact my mother about this..... so used Abel's....
sigh... cause of the absence of my HP with me... ended up returning home at 1.30am!! [Thanks, Bella!]
sigh..... hahaha.. but it was definitely fun!

man.... woke up this morning to find BIG bags under my eyes.... sigh.... Hehehe!


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