Over a year has gone. HYBRID has recovered from his last fall after FATE’s game and has continued to set forth with his life; FATE still weaving Her obstacles for him and the ‘Demon of the Conscience’, ID still present and battling with him as he progressed.
How will his journey be from here onwards?

HYBRID smiles.

He’s looking forward to what’s ahead.

Monday, November 29, 2004

First day of the dreaded FINAL EXAMS

The first day of the Final Exams... well... only one test paper for me... Academic English 061...

Arrived on campus early this morning... Azie had told me before that Nadia would be sending her to campus...
Alone.. I just waited for the others (my classmates) at the cafeteria...
as I waited, I was thinking about how the English exam format was going to be...
Just to make sure of the questions I need to prepare myself for... I went to find Ms. Anita, my Academic English lecturer...
At the same time, I went to look at where we are supposed to be taking the exam... just in case, people might come to ask me....
Eventually I got to do all of the above and more... it was already time to go to the exam room!
I got there and took my seat...

It wasn't so hard... for me anyway.... Though some questions I really just wrote crap... like the last two questions...
Besides that, I felt quite lucky cause Ms. Anita happened to be the examiner for the room I was in. (Yay! ^_^)
Was done in an hour's time.... I took a short nap for a while there, thinking that I had to stay in the room til the end of the exam period.... but soon, Ms. Anita asked me if I was done... I nodded, and then she took my papers... then allowed me to leave....
Liz (who was also in the same room as I) handed up hers as soon as she saw me about to leave.

Then together went to the cafeteria where we sat with Nadia who apparently was done wiht her exam too....
the two girls ate while we talked....
so peaceful..... barely anyone was around....

when the exam time finally ended... the cafeteria became quite crowded...
I got to meet with Azie then... who sat with Mun, Evelyn and some other fo her classmates...
We ate lunch together...
Azie had another exam paper that afternoon... Information Technology 061...
After some talks and some laughs... I joined Krishna, Hari, Darshana, Jac Lee, Jorden, Ilma, Albert, Yu Yen, Marilyn & Tiong at the library...
We studied Physics 063 and IT 064 together.... or at least.. most of us did....

Well....nothing much happened lah today... other than the exam...
sigh.. tomorrow.. Physics exam... IT still ok but Physics.... sigh...
hopefully two questions from the last semester's paper will come out.... then I can be sure that I can pass....
Wish me luck!


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