Over a year has gone. HYBRID has recovered from his last fall after FATE’s game and has continued to set forth with his life; FATE still weaving Her obstacles for him and the ‘Demon of the Conscience’, ID still present and battling with him as he progressed.
How will his journey be from here onwards?

HYBRID smiles.

He’s looking forward to what’s ahead.

Thursday, December 02, 2004

Break in the middle...

Sigh... man... another day that wasn't such a good one... sigh....
Not good as in I was in such a moody mood....
ok lah.. here's the story...

Came to campus with Azie at 11am or so...
Went to cafeteria and met up with Iqbal... it's been a while.... Mark and Dian were there as well..
Then, Ankita and another friend came from their exam....
then was lunch.... as more and more people appeared at the cafeteria.. including Kimmy, Michelle, Ehon, Ichuy, & Giegel...
It was all right at the beginning of the day here.... hehehe, especially cause of these people I just mentioned....
KIMMY: (Using calculator for a while... then....)
hehehe... just one of the things that happened at that time near noon...

anyway... then came the time that I was supposed to study for Chemistry... man did that completely shot down my mood....
I was completely losing myself to inconfidence and the hopelessness of passing this course....
sigh..... I was barely talking as loudly as I usually do.. I noticed.... sigh...
I was studying with Krishna.. Thanks, Krish... you helped me quite a lot.

Azie went back home following Nadia... I stayed back some time longer to study Chemistry...
actually.. after studying a little that afternoon I was slowly feeling better.... after being able to understand some things in Chemistry...
then.. 5pm.. I felt I just couldn't continue studying and decided to went back home....
bidding goodbye to Krish.. then drove back....

Nothing else happened lah... nothing that is special anyway....
my day was only like that lah....
Well..... ok, the way I just explained my day... it didn't seem so bad, huh?
Well.. for me it was... I'm just summarizing too much.... I was really in a bad mood at the start of studying Chemistry (with Krish)...
I was barely in a talking mood.... even when I got to meet with Abel...
but it was all right lah... Krishna had been a good company for me throughout this afternoon...

Well!! Tomorrow is the final exam paper... Chemistry 063....
Wish me luck.... Bring it on!!!


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