Over a year has gone. HYBRID has recovered from his last fall after FATE’s game and has continued to set forth with his life; FATE still weaving Her obstacles for him and the ‘Demon of the Conscience’, ID still present and battling with him as he progressed.
How will his journey be from here onwards?

HYBRID smiles.

He’s looking forward to what’s ahead.

Friday, December 03, 2004

Last day of the Final Exams

IT'S OVER!!!!!!!!!
It is finally OVER!!!

OK.... Here's the story on how my Chemistry exam paper went... it was terrible.... T-T
but what to do.. it's OVER!! Just only can pray that it is enough for me to pass the subject....
hehe, felt great when out of the exam room... IT WAS OVER!!!

Then, as more of my classmates exited the room, we then went to meet with Ms. Anita... Why?
honestly, at that time, no idea... but soon we got to know why...
She had made it a tradition for her to see her students one more time before the end of the semester....
We all talked and had good laughs with each other... mainly cause all of us, except Nichalos, were free of exams now...
I wonder if Ms. Anita is going to be reading this soon or not... If you are, Ms. Anita, DO LEAVE A MESSAGE TO ME!!!

Anyway... I stayed back on campus for the afternoon.. mainly cause Azie had no ride back home... so I stayed back to offer her a carpool...
Got to stick around campus... be with friends here and there... played some online games on Yahoo!....
got to meet with Iqbal somewhere along this time... it was great hanging with him again after a while...
Got to give Azie my birthday present for her... wonder what she think of it...

Drove back on my own... as in the end, Azie told me she'll be following her cousin back home...
then as I was about to reach home.. Abel called me as asked me to help him for something happening at Pustaka Miri...
Of course, I agree to help.... like as if I had much plans anyway...

anyway... tonight.. Wushu practise... Roger and Adrian and, maybe, Nellie will be there... heheehe... can't wait to hang with them! =D


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