Over a year has gone. HYBRID has recovered from his last fall after FATE’s game and has continued to set forth with his life; FATE still weaving Her obstacles for him and the ‘Demon of the Conscience’, ID still present and battling with him as he progressed.
How will his journey be from here onwards?

HYBRID smiles.

He’s looking forward to what’s ahead.

Sunday, December 12, 2004

One Night Spend

Well.... the only thing special about yesterday happened at night...
Hmm.... but then again.. a few things happened during the day before night came...
Last night, as I said before, Roger had planned for a gathering at Pizza Hut in Parkson...

Morning, I got to chat with Azie & Tania on MSN...
The day before, I had send a SMS to Azie, inviting her to join us at Pizza Hut...
So... while we were chatting on MSN, she explained to me that she couldn't join cause that night, her brother was having a slumber party...
Then she invited me to join them.. for a visit....
I wasn't sure if I could... and had initial rejected the offer... but with a little persistent from Tania, I left the possibility of a visit opened...

Afternoon, nothing much happened... mostly quite bored...
Watched some movies on my brother's computer.. with him.....
somewhere along the way, Azie phoned me to help give a car pool... picking her up at her house and then going to pick Ankita up...
I would've immediately jumped to this... but thing was... I knew my mother would not allow me to drive cause her place is so far away... (to save fuel)
so I had to reject this favour.... After a while... I felt kind of... sad... that I sent a SMS to her apologizing that I couldn't help her...

I was able to get an 'ok' from my mother to go visit her place by evening time... and then I asked Adrian Foo to help give me a car pool...
He agreed to this favour, in return that I treat him for tonight's dining at Pizza Hut...

Roger came to pick me up... Picked up Lish & two more friends of theirs.... and then went to Parkson..
Boy, were we surprised by the number of cars there already...
good thing we found a parking space, at the same time as Adrian did... and quite close to his car even... but where we parked was quite far from Parkson itself...
Another two of their PRIME friends joined us....
Boy.. the place was crowded... sigh... needed to wait nearly half an hour later before we had a place to sit...
We got to enjoy the two pizzas and the Pepsi... etc...
along the way, turned out that Adrian had a family matter to deal with and couldn't send me to Azie's place....
luckily, Roger was able to help me... so after Pizza Hut, Roger, Lish & I headed to Azie's place...

We got there at 10pm... and spent more than an hour there... playing on her PS2.. hehe... played a lot of Mortal Kombat: Deception.... and in the end, some of Tekken 4 (between me & Roger)....
It was a fun time... lots of laughs...
then we headed home....
sigh... felt quite happy about yesterday...

now is the next day.... had Wushu practise this morning.... and the muscle in my left thigh is aching and so is the muscle behind my right knee...
sigh.... at least, I can safely be grateful for a fun semester break...


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