Over a year has gone. HYBRID has recovered from his last fall after FATE’s game and has continued to set forth with his life; FATE still weaving Her obstacles for him and the ‘Demon of the Conscience’, ID still present and battling with him as he progressed.
How will his journey be from here onwards?

HYBRID smiles.

He’s looking forward to what’s ahead.

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

The Good, The Bad & The Tips of the Scale

Sigh... today has been a see-saw battle between goodness & badness...
Let me remind you of the situation.... Lish, Roger's girlfriend (for five months), was going back to Brunei tomorrow morning... and who knows when she'll even come back to Miri... making today her last day here with us...

OK... this is how my morning started...
Usual wake up... usual breakfast and newspaper... then to the computer for some online time...
after that... in the morning, Roger phoned me twice... the first time, he said we'll be watching the afternoon movie 'Ocean Twelve'... and that he'll come and pick me and Lish later at noon to have lunch at Bintang Plaza (Parkson)... for now he would sleep some more....
the second call.. not long after, he told me that he will be coming over to my place soon... once he's showered... to just.. spend whatever time together...

Half an hour later or so, he came... without Lish to my surprise... he explained that there was no responce from her...
then as he was about to enter... a responce.... then he had to leave to pick her up...
Ten minutes later, they were back... I noticed Lish a little upset/sorry about what happened... she had even asked me if he was mad when he received her responce and then came to pick her...
I assured her... He wasn't... He couldn't... not at this time... he might've been a little frustrated or annoyed.. but he can definitely not be angry at her....
We watched some more 'Naruto'.... til 12.30pm...

Here comes some more badness...
Roger just complaint about being hungry at first... but just as we were about to leave... he found out that he had diarrhea instead... (Sigh.. terrible...)
But we proceeded to Bintang Plaza for lunch.... here... things got worse for Roger and that he had to go to the restroom quite some times...
Lunch... Roger could barely enjoy his food cause of his condition... and his mood was effecting the atmosphere around us badly...
Lish was really sad, I thought, and she even said sorry to Roger a few times... Sigh... she believes that since this outing was more for her since she's leaving soon... so in turn, Roger's 'suffering' was of her fault as well...
Which of course, it wasn't... and Roger would never blame her for this...
Adrian Foo came somewhat on time before we went for the movie... though Roger went to the restroom as we went in....

Well.... all right.. don't expect much of a review on 'Ocean Twelve' from me... cause frankly... I was VERY frustrated by the cinema's sound system...
Doggone it!! The voices of everyone in the movie was blurry, making me and probably everyone else, unable to understand what they were saying...
this problem was periodical.... happening once in a while... throughout the movie... and sometimes lasted for over ten minutes!!!!
And to think this movie really required viewers to listen and understand everything spoken in the movie...
sigh.. I was so frustrated that I wanted to shout out the problem for those cinema people to take care of... and even thought that I should go and get a refund!!
sigh... but was lazy to even bother....

Sigh... one hour into the movie... I was losing more and more interest cause of the TERRIBLE sound system...
then suddenly, a SMS rang in my phone...
Turned out to be Azie (to my delight)... I told her through MSN this morning that I'll be watching a movie this afternoon...
and now she was telling me that she, Ankita and Darshana were at McDonald's restaurant right now... and that I go join them...
but I think you guys can see a problem here... I was right in the middle of a movie... which took me RM7 for the ticket....
I replied that I was watching the movie right now... and that was it...
but then... the urge to be with her... sort of made me 'itch' emotionally or mentally...
well.... I thought there'll probably be another hour left in the movie.. so I can return later and just watch how it ends.... since I could barely catch up with what was going on...

I unmistakenly found them.... Azie and Ankita wearing bandannas while Darshana wore a black cap... haha!
I spent about half an hour with them there.. talking... laughing... taking some photos....
At first, I didn't really notice, but under her black jacket, Azie was actually wearing a pink shirt... hehehe! Ankita pointed it out to me... haha!
She even showed me a photo of her, without the jacket... She'd look beautiful, to be honest.
Well... after half an hour, I thought I should head back to the movie...
Returned to the movie... and watched til the end...
I was feeling quite better now.. having spend some time with Azie lifted my mood somewhat...
although the poor sound system was still annoying.. at least, I didn't verbally show my frustrations so badly until Lish tried to calm me down some time earlier.... haha!

OK.. well... here's a quick and simple review of the movie...
Ocean Twelve is actually an interesting movie.. though it might help a little to understand this movie by watching the first movie.. 'Ocean Eleven'...
It would've been a very enjoyable movie for me, if it weren't for the terrible audio system...
Allow me to warn EVERYONE! Be aware of Star 1! For I suspect the audio system in this theater to have some problems...
Anyway... turned out that I got to understand basically of what had happened throughout the movie.. thankfully...

After the movie, which about half an hour after I re-entered.. I thought I take my chance to see if Azie, Ankita & Darshana were still at McDonald's...
As we were about to go.. Roger again went to the restroom.... while somewhere along that time.. Lish cried again... tears had streamed down her eyes...
This time, I wasn't sure what caused them... could it be seeing Roger in such condition.. or cause time was going by and closer to tomorrow...
I tried to comfort her... but she just said that she was all right....
We went to McDonald... as I had thought, Azie, Ankita & Darshana weren't there anymore... probably were at that Handicraft marketplace at the Miri Heritage place..
but guess who I got to encounter... at first, I had thought it was someone else from behind.. cause her jacket had made her looked bigger in size...
with a suspicion, I looked for a handbag.. and sure enough.. it was the one I thought to see... Snow Jae!!

Went to sit down next to her table, while waiting for Roger and Adrian to join me and Lish there...
Snow Jae was with her sister there.. eating and reading some comic...
Soon, Roger and Adrian came... we just sat there for quite some time... Eventually, SnowJ left with her sister... but we continued to just sit.. talk... etc....
That night, there was a plan to go to Seahorse to eat and drink with Rudi and his girlfriend, Evelyn..
Roger thought he might not be able to make it, with his diarrhea... but thankfully, got to convince him to continue with the plan....
To me, he just HAD to... no questions asked! At this time, he wants to let go of some time to spend with Lish!!
After a while, we then made a move... being in his condition, Roger thought he should head straight home.. and asked Adrian to help send me and Lish back home... which he did...

So... back home.. went online again to check on my usual stuffs...
I had my dinner before Roger came to pick me and Lish for Seahorse...
Met up with Rudi & Evelyn there at a table...
We had somethings to eat... except Roger and Evelyn... Roger didn't feel like eating anything cause of his condition.. (which fortunately was better that night) while Evelyn just didn't have the appetite that night...
Me & Lish shared a basket of French Fries only for the night... the last time we came here, we both ordered our own basket of fries.. and it turned out that she couldn't finish them and I couldn't help to finish them cause one basket was full enough for me...
Rudi was the only one that had something heavier to eat... don't know what he ordered though.. didn't pay attention to what he ate...
We spent quite a long time there.. just talking about old times.. the present times... and a little of future study plans....
well... I noticed I was the most silent one, besides Evelyn (who could be excused since she's still unfamiliar with everyone else, except Rudi)...
mostly found myself just listening on everything they were talking about...
Hahah, I even found myself observing the two couples just talking with their partners at the same time... so intimately...

Well... 9pm.. we called it off for the night... but Rudi had suggested Roger to spend more time with Lish... and he did...
Tonight was Wushu night.... so we thought to go visit the guys at the Indoor Stadium for a while...
and for a while indeed... soon we left again... this time to Lish's house...
now here's another highlight of today.... the main one....

Probably everything of Lish's had been packed and had been sent to Brunei, probably...
The house was quite empty... and her housemate was asleep...
Went up to her room quietly... and spent even more time there...
We just played in her room.... talked... listened to some music... got to know three of Lish's dolls... including her favorite.. the one Roger had given her as a Christmas gift...

Sigh.. were those two really intimate and close.... so much more intimate than I had ever seen them before...
I suppose this is how intimate they really were... plus the fact that she's leaving very soon now...
I watched them as they made fun with each other... being intimate at the same time...
but then... after quite a while later.. (after an hour and more spent in her room) when things had started to calm down between the two.. (who had been whispering with one another as my attention was drawn away...) Lish started to cry... really bad now...
I just watched as Roger tried to comfort her... holding her, etc...
hugging a pillow, she just wept and wiped her tears on the pillow sheet...
and then... a phone call caught Roger's attention...
Lish continued crying on... wiping more tears onto the pillow...
Seeing Roger occupied... I went over to try to give some comfort to her...
Again, she just said that she was all right... though still crying badly...
then, Roger passed me the phone.. it turned out to be Adrian...
The wushu was going to do some extra training in the morning for the next few days....
but unfortunately, I was starting work tomorrow onwards... so I couldn't join...
Besides that, Adrian also understood the situation of Roger & Lish and so stopped the conversation...

It was about time to leave... Roger asked me to go to the car first...
It had seemed that he wanted some 'real' personal time with Lish... so I complied, naturally...
but as there was some complications to the plan of me going to his car first.. but I thought I'll just wait for him downstairs... and did... closing the door to her room behind me...
I waited there.. sitting calmly at the living room... for quite a while.. about five minutes or more, if I'm not mistaken...
then, the two came down.. she was still sobbing...
Before we left.. I gave her a hug.... whispering to her that everything was going to be all right....
Then we left... and I got home... but I was still very worried about Lish...
Roger had mentioned during the time in the car that she had lost quite some sleep in the last few days cause of crying so often at night...
Well.. should be normal for her... cause during the time you try to sleep is when one's mind tend to think of 'things'.. anything, cause it can be boring moment.... and for those with a special loved one... the mind tends to think about that...
Since tomorrow was her time to go back to Brunei.. by car, if I'm not mistaken...
I thought I send her a few words of comfort through SMS.... and that for her to promise me to sleep well that night....

Now.. I really hope she's sleeping... though I have a feeling she might be crying right now... hopefully that's just me...
sigh.... Really hope she'll at least sleep for a few hours til tomorrow and not wake up in the middle of the night and need to try and sleep again...

Wow... this had been quite a long journal entry, eh?
hehe... sigh... well... the end of today I can say had been a double-edged sword...
One side of the edge, things had turned out quite all right and we had some good times together today...
The other side.... I'm really worried about Lish and I really hope she, at least, feels better now... and also I feel bad not being able to do more to help ease her emotional pain...
but.. that's life... Life on a scale... like that of a Libra**... eh?

**Libra happens to be my zodiac sign (horoscope) for some of you who didn't know that.


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