Over a year has gone. HYBRID has recovered from his last fall after FATE’s game and has continued to set forth with his life; FATE still weaving Her obstacles for him and the ‘Demon of the Conscience’, ID still present and battling with him as he progressed.
How will his journey be from here onwards?

HYBRID smiles.

He’s looking forward to what’s ahead.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

First Day

So it happened... I just experienced nearly one whole day of work at my aunt's workplace... which is a place that does tailoring jobs.... making shirts.. etc involving clothings or attire related...

OK.. it began in the morning at 8 when I went with my younger cousin who was working there as well.. but earlier then me...
so.. that makes him like a younger senior to me... goes to show that what's important is experience... not age...
Got there and greeted my aunt and uncle... the tauke of the place..
Soon we went upstairs... (behind the office scene) Even I never realised there was an upstairs to this place...
Well... there was quite a number of workers there as well.. mostly around my age or above... some were younger even...

Well... let me just summarise everything quickly then...
Morning... quite busy as there was many to do... though not so difficult work for me...
just putting the shirts into plastic bags and then sealing them and then tying them together...
and then also helping out the others when they ask to...
there was a break somewhere in the middle.. then abck to work... til lunch at noon...
Afternoon, things were a lot slower... as there wasn't ANY work for me and a few others...
so basically just stayed there waiting for time to pass by... even played some mobile phone games to do that...

Went back at evening time....
OK.. let me say some of what I felt during the work...
Kind of excited, though not much... quite glad that I didn't have much to do (to be honest) and plus not so difficult works as well... somewhat bored at times (frequently occassionally miss calling Roger, Lish & a few times, Azie)....
..........I think that's mostly what I felt...
It was an all right experience... and food is provided, which adds to the 'plus' of this place...
I also got to know more of these... tailoring stuffs...
Well.. that's all... I'll be doing this job for the rest of this month... from Monday to Saturday... from morning to evening...

Oh yeah... forgot to add something that I did this morning...
This morning, I SMSed Lish to check on her... She said she didn't cry throughout the night.. but if I can remember correctly, she mentioned that she couldn't sleep well though last night....
Well... thankfully, she probably felt better than before... I feel she is anyway..
And on another news... Roger was supposed to be looking for his aunt for a job as well... thing is.. no news from him... don't know if he got a job now or still no...
that's all... Thank you for reading my blog! I appreciate your attention.. VERY much!


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