A Post For Thought
I've heard from somewhere that 'The first love is always the sweetest'; which I understand as meaning no other love you will have after your first one will be as sweet or will give you as much fluttery feeling in your stomach, hot flashes as your heart beats faster and blood rushes to your head, or whatever synctoms love sometimes have on a person.
I used to think, 'No! That can't be. I wouldn't want that to be true with me.', but nevertheless, I kinda figured still, it is understandably true. That's because well, in your first love, the experience is all new to you and it can be intoxicating. And to some, those experience will be burned into their mind and memory for a very long time.
Now I've gotten to know one thing about that phrase, 'The first love is always the sweetest'. It isn't necessarily a bad thing.
Let's think about it for a while.
When you first experience love, everything is new to you, and you get all excited and may (though I think usually) tend to think about doing something new with your love and feel how that'd feel; be it huggling/cuddling together, holding hands, or even kissing.
Now that you've already experienced all those 'intoxicating' rush of new feelings from your first love, and when you've found another, you wouldn't tend to wanna do things like that again
(or, for some, not as much).
In my case, because of that, I feel that I'm now looking to have a more mature relationship, and not just a 'high-school' relationship, where it is all 'flowery' and full of fluttery feelings. Loving someone and wanting to live forever with him/her is not about having such a relationship.
As everyone says, the sweetest part of any relationship is when it first started, because that is when the couple tend to do a whole lotta things together and they're practically inseparable. However, that sweetness lessens and lessens as the relationship progresses, because it'll begin to be a norm for you and your partner. Unfortunately, for some cases, that is when couples break apart. For some, they'd think they've lost their feelings for the other, but in reality, this is probably the most important part of the relationship.
If you noticed, a couple that has just started their relationship is less physically close to one another as compared to a couple that is married for years. Love is not about physical closeness with another, but beyond that; mentally, emotionally, spiritually. Physical closeness is not proof of such bond between you and your partner.
That is why, I've heard long ago, that it is great and all that you and your partner have all the sweetness at the start of the relationship, but if the sweetness maintains still after a long time, say one year or so, you're not going anywhere with the relationship.
So, as I've said earlier, that phrase 'The first love is always the sweetest' isn't necessarily a bad thing, because when you fall in love with another (some time after a break-up with your first love, of course, not during that relationship. =_=), you'll know that you're going into a relationship not for the 'sweetness', but because you genuinely fell in love with the person and genuinely want to be with him/her for the rest of your life.
Something for all you readers to think about for yourselves...
Speaking of which... LOOOONNGG TIME NO POST!!!!! Hahaha!
It's been heck long since I last posted anything in ANY of my blogs. What... over a year?
Wonder if I have any readers first. Hahaha!
Anyway, just felt like putting my thought to words. Who knows what Fate has plan for this post of mine?
That's all for today.