Over a year has gone. HYBRID has recovered from his last fall after FATE’s game and has continued to set forth with his life; FATE still weaving Her obstacles for him and the ‘Demon of the Conscience’, ID still present and battling with him as he progressed.
How will his journey be from here onwards?

HYBRID smiles.

He’s looking forward to what’s ahead.

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Hari Gawaii Fest Chapter

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Sigh.... a few days of no online.... time for some catching up again...

Last week, wednesday.... usual at Curtin... no luck with my wallet... sheesh....
usual classes.... darn, so hard to write that persuasive essay of mine for Research & Writing Skills 062..
sigh.. 'Should vegetarianism be encouraged?'... so hard to find counter argument to go against that....

that night... Roger had invited me to join him, Adrian, Gia Rong, Kevin and others to watch XXX2... and also to try and get others to go...
after getting a few friends to join, thought to watch another movie.. Kingdom of Heaven...
tried to persuade at least Roger to join me to watch that.. but then he thought the movie's time would be too late for him so he stayed to watch XXX2 with the others...
Iqbal, Izzah, Tompoq & I headed to Bintang Plaza later and bought six tickets before having a bit of dinner...
just when we entered the theater and took our seats, Snow Jae & VJ finally arrived... and got to pass them the tickets.... then we proceeded to enjoy the movie...

A quick and simple review of the movie...
It is a good movie, plus it has historical facts in it. The story and dialogues are great.
The casts are great and strong, with the protrayal of each characters (Factual or not) greatly done.
Only problem is... that the movie's story seemed to be rushing, ever since the start... I wasn't the only one that noticed that...
Before watching, it is recommended (by me) to have an idea of the history of the crusade and the war over Jerusalem that happened I don know how long ago... otherwise, you'll be left behind very far and very quickly from the start.. like me... though I was still able to understnad basically of what was going on...

I love the characters really.... especially King Baldwin (Number what I don't remember).. he is the king who wears a mask and his body wrapped cause of his physically ill condition... I love that character the most...
cause of his calmness, his gentle and caring heart, and all that good stuffs... an inspiring king... sad indeed that such a king never live long..... sigh... that's what I feel lah..

anyway... after the movie, Iqbal sent me home and I had my sleep..

then Thursday... usual day on campus... except that evening, had CV choir practise.... our choir is progressing well it seems.. that's good!
then, after that, meeting with the rest of the Student Council.. initial plan was to have the meeting done after one or two hours later... but then... most of us are unfamiliar with how Student Council works.. so Benet often need to 'talk a lot' so that we can familiarise ourselves well enough.
after the meeting, Bay got to send me back home...

Friday... hehe.. a great day to remember... let's see..
morning... meeting with the Pro-Vice Chancellor, Prof. Graham Lodwick, Acting Dean of Curtin, Dr. Barbara Stauble & Registrar Officer, Dr. Adeline Wong.... regarding a proposed new textbook policy so that to make things at the bookshop a lot less... negative...
Prof. Graham's proposed policy seemed agreeable... wonder if it was practical though... the Student Council are now supposed to take back the proposal and see how they would think about it and how the students would feel about it...
after that, was Chemistry lab... after that, I was called to a meeting with Wong Shin Kah by Roger regarding my work in the Treasure Hunt event that was happening this coming Sunday...
I got to know my work (which was basically just running the game that was happening at my checkpoint [No. 6] and stuffs...) and just got to hang with Roger & Shin Kah... Shin Kah, by the way, was one of the SOAR Advisors of my orientation week (July Intake 2004)...
after that, got to check out where my checkpoint was gonna be.. ASEAN Bridge... at the shop right nearby that place...
then located Roger's checkpoint, Dewan Dato' Permaisuri...

after that, had to get back to campus.. I completely forgotten that I was supposed to be taking care of the Student Council room... Serena reminded me by her sms...
I did my shift together with Serena, before later Roger came...
we even spent one more hour after operating hours there... it's just so nice and comfy in there... plus the air-conditioning... hehe...
anyway, that night there was going to be this Male Beauty pageant sort of competition called the 'Keling' for male Ibans... and our dear friend and fellow CVA, Johnna was amongst the particpants for the competition..
that evening, had some problems making transportation plans... I was to follow Roger to the venue...
some time before night came, it was finally decided that Roger will also be picking up Jimmy, Oscar & Tompoq/Taufiq....
first, sent Tompoq home to shower, while the rest of us went to eat... he didn't want to eat at the time...
after our dinner, we headed back to his place and turned out he was cooking something for himself..
waited for him to be done, before we headed off to Dewan Suarah, where the competition was being held...

The competition was just one of the events being held in conjunction to the Hari Gawaii festival...
Iqbal, Diana, Abel, VJ, Snow Jae, KC & Chu Chu were there to give Johnna support as well...
We cheered loudly when Johnna finally took the stage! and even more so when Johnna was announced to have won 2nd place!!!!!! Congrats, Keling of Curtin!!
After the night's event, we headed to eat at Cafenika... before heading home to sleep.

Then Saturday... got to spend loads of time outside..
went out with Roger to buy stuffs for the Treasure Hunt event the next day..
as we were wandering around Boulevard, we met up with Tompoq, Jimmy & Eddy KK... and then later, Abel & Johnna....
that night, again went to Dewan Suarah... this time, we were coming to support our friend, Genesis, in her Kumang Orang Ulu beauty pageant competition...
we cheered as before... and at the end of the night, Genesis was announced as one of the six finalists to return tomorrow night to the conclusion of the competition.

SUNDAY!!!! The Treasure Hunt...
Johnna came to pick me up from my place and we made it to the checkpoint at ASEAN Bridge first in the morning.
set up the preparations and needed to wait for Tompoq & Eddy for the rest of the items needed...
to our surprise, one team suddenly came way earlier that we had expected!!
and just in time, Tompoq & Eddy appeared.... we rushed our preparations and ended up having our game too easy... sigh...
all 34 teams got full points from our checkpoint... after the last team, we headed off to meet up with Roger and his team at their checkpoint... turned out that one team had skipped their checkpoint cause they weren't able to locate them.. haha!
we then headed back to Boulevard.... there, we got RM10 vouchers for lunch at the food court...
We indulged ourselves there.... what an enjoyable lunch... hehe...
after spending some time at Boulevard, headed home to rest for a while... before that evening, went to Dewan Suarah...
I even got to prepare a simple sign to cheer Genesis with...
We cheered loudly again when Genesis came on stage... (so much that I believe we annoyed the few old women sitting just in front of us)
some of us waited impatiently while waiting for the results of the competition to come out...
then it finally turned out Genesis only got consolation... T_T
but she said it was fine, she had fun and she'll come back again next year for revenge.. haha!
After the event, got to drink the famous drink amongst CV members.... the infamous rice wine called Tuak... hahaha...
but I only drank about one small glassful of it... before headed on home with Iqbal, Diana, Robert, Kelly and I believe someone else... can't remember who.... was it Tompoq? I think so..

anyway... that ends this chapter... the rest of this week I will add in the next blog entry!


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