Over a year has gone. HYBRID has recovered from his last fall after FATE’s game and has continued to set forth with his life; FATE still weaving Her obstacles for him and the ‘Demon of the Conscience’, ID still present and battling with him as he progressed.
How will his journey be from here onwards?

HYBRID smiles.

He’s looking forward to what’s ahead.

Monday, February 14, 2005

My Day of Valentine

Well... today's been quite a...... uh.... no comment....

Morning.. overslept my mobile phone alarm again.... sigh...
thank my mother woke me up again... which left me with only over half an hour to prepare myself before work...
Made it to work anyway... and got ot work...
Last time, Roger told me that the first hour of work from 8am was not very much as customers were rare that early...
not in my case... just when I thought I could steal some time off my feet... some customers came and I had to get back onto my feet...
it was a rare case.. but whatever....

The starting seemed slow.. but as things start to pick up.. time just practically flew by... and before I knew it.. it was nearing the time to go back home... happy moment that was.. ahhah!
I was feeling real tired and my mind was real sleepy... to make matters worse.. I was feeling some headaches at the top of my head... annoying pain....
somewhere during work, David asked me to work tomorrow morning.. same hours...
I was, you can say.. 'caught off-guard'... I was really looking forward to just resting for the next few days, before the Curtin Ambassador thing kicks in this Thursday...
I thought about it for hours.. before I finally decided that I should lessen my playing on the PS2 and earn some money with my time instead...
a hard and soon-to-be more tiresome decision... but it was a rightful one in my view...

Returned home from work, I went straight to shower and then went to play Kingdom Hearts again... just love the game, man...
but still can't beat those (I found out) optional bosses... those bosses are tough... though I found
my performance improving from yesterday.. that's good... a sign that I WILL eventually beat them... (or at least, it.. since I only fought one of them today)
played all the way til the beginning of night... which was when I went for dinner and shower and then online...

Now, my brother's trying out Prince of Persia: Sands of Time... He rarely plays PS2 but I guess he was feeling bored of sitting in front of the computer all the time...
but whatever... that's his business.. which i am lazy to bother with...

Well... That's how MY day of Valentine went...
Azie couldn't go out for today... busy with some 'family' stuffs...
My view of my day led me to have no comment on how my today was...
just don't know how to describe it in words...

before I end this blog....


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