Over a year has gone. HYBRID has recovered from his last fall after FATE’s game and has continued to set forth with his life; FATE still weaving Her obstacles for him and the ‘Demon of the Conscience’, ID still present and battling with him as he progressed.
How will his journey be from here onwards?

HYBRID smiles.

He’s looking forward to what’s ahead.

Friday, February 04, 2005

M Y F R I E N D S - Season something...

Well.. today's been quite a day...

Morning, played Arc the Lad.. and I got to beat the final boss in the first try (second overall)...
it took quite a while.. but I suceeded...
wasn't that difficult... once you caught some of the tricks behind the boss's attacks...
I think I'll do a review on the game another time... tonight I don think I'll be able to do that...

after that... made plans to eat lunch with Roger at Yakin...
thankfully, he was able to change his day schedule for that...
so.. before lunch.. I had to go to get my new Identity Card.. no wait... it's called My Kad...
good thing I recall coming to the right place to get my My Kad... otherwise I could have been spending my time at the wrong place...
was done with this within half an hour...

then headed to Yakin and waited for Roger...
lunch over with... had to go to campus for the final Malaysian Studies class... for revision tips...
Roger, Adrian Foo, Kevin & Guan Thai will be going to Curtin too.. why?
they are having a scholarship interview that afternoon...

Campus... class... lots of good tips... however.. the topics chosen for the exams were A LOT!!
and mostly current issues!! sure, those are more interesting than the factual & historical stories.. but THOSE ARE EVEN MORE TO LEARN ABOUT!!
and it's not as easy to obtain!! darn it! Hahah!
but I guess better this way... it'll help us remember these things even more so, compared to just reading the boring history... plus it's on current issues...
sigh.. lots of things to get to know... and most probably through the internet...

anyway... class was over after an hour... some time after 2pm...
then went to the Student Services to get my result slip.. that some of my friends just got that morning...
but for some reason, the Student Services told me that they're not giving them out.. 'Printing problem'??? what the?!
no idea....
but anyway... guess who I coincidentally meet while I was there...
haha.. Roger, Guan Thai, Adrian & Kevin!
yes it was a coincidence! I didn't expect to meet them there or even see them at all! Cause I didn't know where they were supposed to meet for the interview...
so got to hang with them til the time of the interview...
went to the Administrative building and there joined up with Tina Ting & Ying Hui...
got to talk alot... especially on Curtin and what they should expect from the interview...
being one who've gone through one such interviews before.. I tried my best to help...
didn't do so much, but at least I tried...
they all got through the interview eventually hours later...

after that, I showed Rog, Ad, Guan Thai & Kev around Curtin Campus... and nearly the WHOLE campus!
from the admin building, to the cafeteria.. to the engineering blocks... to the general purpose buildings.. and even to the hostel area!!
then it was time to go...
it has been a great time.. as we explored the place...
boy.. going through hostel area brought back great memories of past CV (Curtin Volunteers!) events...

then night, came online again.. to update my blogs and do my usual!
if possible....
Season of MY FRIENDS to be continued another time!!


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