Over a year has gone. HYBRID has recovered from his last fall after FATE’s game and has continued to set forth with his life; FATE still weaving Her obstacles for him and the ‘Demon of the Conscience’, ID still present and battling with him as he progressed.
How will his journey be from here onwards?

HYBRID smiles.

He’s looking forward to what’s ahead.

Saturday, January 29, 2005

The Tiang Show Goes On!

Man.. it's been days since I updated... would've updated yesterday noon... but for some reason, couldn't get into the net on campus... sheesh....
anyway.. time to update a few days earlier...

Tuesday, 25th January, 2005....
Moral studies class in the morning...
woke up early and play some more X-Men Legends before leaving for Curtin...
the class was great.. after the one hour or so lecture... was discussion on news articles that Ms. Azlin had asked us to bring with us that involved a moral dilemma.
we got into many interesting topic discussions....
then afternoon... returned from campus and had lunch at home... adn played some MORE X-Men... just love the game so much.....
then at night, re-checked my presentation for Moral Studies next Tuesday...
just to make sure that it was al right... think I'll be doing a little more later afternoon...

Wednesday, 26th January, 2005...
Morning, Roger came over... had actually made plans to go for badminton that morning... but Kevin fell ill so we couldn't...
Roger was not going anywhere actually since the badminton was cancelled... but he was bored at home.. so I invited him to come over anyway...
We played X-Men Legends for the whole morning.. though.. Roger mostly just watched... spend time together only lah...
then, lunch at Sin Yakin Food Centre... then, before 12.30pm, he headed home while I headed for Curtin, group discussion for the next day's Malaysian studies group presentation....
My group members includes me (naturally), Jackson Lee (our senior), Eric, Yu Yen & Marilyn...
wasn't much to discuss about the presentation before we were done...
then spent time there before I headed home at 2.30pm... then just played some more X-Men...

Thursday, 27th January, 2005....
Group presentation today for Malaysian studies.... but first.. Moral studies class in the morning...
thankfully, Jackson messaged everyone to remind them to wear formal today... I completely forgotten about that part...
after Moral studies.. was time for the group presentation... though we still have a few hours before the class...
and guess what? with nothing to do, I thought to just catch up a little of my sleep... so tired... been lacking a lot of sleep recently....
anyway... we can forget about that for now... the group presentation...
everyone in the class came forward to present in groups.... my group went forward as the third one...
it seemed that every group had their own uniqueness....
Nadia's group had a short movie clip...
The group with Krishna, Hari, Wong Peng Hi, Liz & Amos (who was absent) had a nice short period of traditional dancing by Liz and even a little speaking of Melanau, done mostly by Liz, but the others too...
My group had a short quiz for everyone... a little bit of the Kenyah costumes... and we even invited a Kenyah girl to join us for our presentation... who did a little dance as well at the end of our presentation...
and there was one group that compromised of four foreign students of different origin...
their presentation was on their own hometown or tribe... which was interesting...
and so on.... these were the more obvious ones for me...

anyway.... hahah, today's class was the first one to have ever reached four hours.. haha....
and oh yeah, I forgot to mention earlier that Abel was there to watch us throughout our presentation...
and after the class, I, Hari, Krishna & Wong went to join him for a very light dinner at the cafeteria...
we then got to talk... and talk... and talk.... while eating by the way.... and talk some more... until we finally went off... which two hours or so later!
we talked about a lot of stuffs.... and we even got on the topic of presentation.... and Abel gave some good tips for us...
I'll share them with you in another entry.. wait for it...

Friday, 28th January, 2005...
Morning.. played more X-Men... and then got a call from David, the guy in charge at the Grand Palace Hotel restaurant...
there was a function that night and he was asking me and my brother (who also started to work there) to help... both of us agreed and that's all..
afternoon, was Malaysian Studies class.. the final lecture...
after that, immediately headed home and then me and my brother then left for work... at 5pm...
Nine tables for today.... and it wasn't so hard...
Worked there until 10.30pm...
and boy, legs tired... at home, after a shower, watching a little of television.. then went to sleep...

and so, today, early in the morning, I woke up to update my blog...
haha... that's all...
...for now.


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