Over a year has gone. HYBRID has recovered from his last fall after FATE’s game and has continued to set forth with his life; FATE still weaving Her obstacles for him and the ‘Demon of the Conscience’, ID still present and battling with him as he progressed.
How will his journey be from here onwards?

HYBRID smiles.

He’s looking forward to what’s ahead.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

The Nurvana: Revolution

Today, I don't think will end as nicely as usual...
not that it's been a bad day or anything..... it's just....

Morning I had Moral Studies class... got to campus and to the class in time...
today's class was real interesting... Moral Studies for this summer course is gonna be fun for me...
and after the class, I got to print out the final draft of the Malaysian studies essay... and then handed it up to Mr. Arnold...
made a little making-sure-of about the class this Friday, which was Hari Raya Haji, but the Malaysian studies class is still continuing on, with no change in schedule...

after that, headed back home... then had lunch with Roger at Yakin Food Centre...
after that, I had a haircut and then the two of us got to my place...
he watched some Naruto while I tried to do some Moral Studies work... didn't do much.. but probably can be done by tomorrow.. hopefully... deadline is this Thursday...
anyway... tonight Roger & I have to work for a dinner function at Grand Palace Hotel... and we had to be there by 5pm...
by 4.30pm, we both headed of for the hotel...
when we arrived there, we met up with some of the other senior staffs of teh restaurant at the parking lot.
Guan Thai got to join us today for the first time..

anyway.. turned out that it was a wedding dinner...
and there were a lot of tables... and a lot for Roger, Guan Thai & I to learn about....
busy busy busy.... I felt that it was gonna be a long night when we served the second dish...
but.. in the end.. it didn't feel that it was long.. nor did it feel short...
lots of work.. but in the end, we all got to enjoy some of the dishes served this night and also the remaining drinks... (not leftovers by the customers, mind you!)

ok lah.. if you read the first statement in this blog entry, and read through the whole blog till now.. you'll probably wonder.. 'So what's so bad about today?'
well.. let me explain a small detail first... this Wednesday night, I'd actually planned for a movie outing with Azie...
this afternoon, I phoned her up to see if she was going.. she couldn't...
nope... that's not it.... her reason was that she was feeling unwell... and from her voice, I could tell for sure...
A while after the phone conversation... I realised something...
she was probably having a nap.. which would explain why she only answered my call after a long while...
and from her voice.. I was even more certained..... It was not as... sweet... as before...
when I keep thinking about her not being well... it makes me feel worried...
she's been unwell before.. but from her voice, seems that it is not a comfortable illness...
most probably gonna be thinking about it as I try to sleep...
Will try to talk to her tomorrow again...

anyway... thanks for reading my blog.... g'night!


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