Over a year has gone. HYBRID has recovered from his last fall after FATE’s game and has continued to set forth with his life; FATE still weaving Her obstacles for him and the ‘Demon of the Conscience’, ID still present and battling with him as he progressed.
How will his journey be from here onwards?

HYBRID smiles.

He’s looking forward to what’s ahead.

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Lotsa Catching-up....

Wow... nearly two days of activities to update on.... ok.. to be precise.. only one night and one morning's time to update mainly...
let's see then....

Yesterday... Saturday, January 8....
Only woke up near noon.. haha.. no idea why the late waking up..... must've been the lack of sleeps that I've been experiencing earlier this week...
anyway... watch some episodes of the FRIENDS series... (The popular, hilarious comedy series with Ross, Chandler, Joey, Phoebe, Rachel & Monica) then after lunch time, my cousin, Jonathan, came over...
Played some Silent Hill 3 while my cousin watched me...
Couldn't get the last ending so have to play through one whole game normally and try again with the next new game... sheesh....
boy... when the riddle difficulty of the game is put to Hard.... man... the riddles REALLY need loads of knowledge to solve!!!
I probably could not have solved them if it weren't for the walkthrough that I found some time ago....

anyway... by 6pm.. had to stop... couldn't finish the game for today... will have to continue when my cousin comes over again...
anyway... one hour prepared myself to go to Oscar's house.... for the house-warming visit....
ok.. for some of you that might not understand what's 'house-warming'... I supposed it means something like an open house by a family in their new house... the house they've just moved into... something like that, I presume..
anyway... Oscar came to fetch me and then picked up Mary & Melissa...
I was surprised to see a lot of people at their house when we arrived... I had thought it was only gonna be Oscar's friends... but... it had included family friends, etc.... but, naturally.. we just sticked to our group of friends... Me, Oscar, Jacky, his younger brother, Cindy, Yiu Kiat, Tina, Yoong Kiat, Ing Fook, Melissa, Mary, Roger, Peng Ju, Lester, Chee Keong, Ing Ming and some more...
we had quite some fun.. just mingling amongst ourselves... catching up with old friends... and then having a little tour around Oscar's house... and then... some game of... UNO.. anyone familiar with this old game of cards?
anyway... we left the house at 10.30pm... but.. some of my friends decided that it was still 'early' so asked the others if they wanna spend some more time together at some coffee shop.... and yeah... some of us agreed to go... so we did...
someplace called... Perwira coffee shop (?)... near Mega Hotel... we spent some more time there..
Me, Jacky, his younger brother, Cindy, Melissa, Mary, Yoong Kiat & Ing Fook... just spent our time talking and having a few to drink....
one hour later, then we went our separate way.... Jacky was the one that sent me back home...

that was yesterday... now for today!!
Yes! I got the waiter job at Grand Palace Hotel.... I was told about this job, I think, last week, by a good friend of mine.. Man Ni... once classmates with Roger in Form 5...
anyway.... the guy she told us about just contacted Roger & I about the job last night.. at Oscar's house.... we were so glad! The job was a nice one!
let's see... Saturdays and Sundays... 9am - 2pm... RM3.50 per hour.... lunch provided... Yea!
Now, I can earn money throughout the year if I wish.. yes!

anyway.... this morning... Roger picked me up from my house and then we headed to the hotel...
Man Ni was able to greet us there and brought us through the waiter work..... though the two of us had to learn on hand immediately... no orientation or anything...
First day and we already have to serve customers and everything... so we basically had to learn as much as we can within the next few hours.... which was quite a lot.... for me anyway..
so busy.... kept walking here and there and etc.... barely any stops, except for lunch... and even that wasn't exactly set...
it was like... the waiters/waitresses had to take turns having their lunch... a few at a time.... depending who gets to lunch first....
Roger & I ate together of course... since we're in this together for our first days....
anyway... we ate at 12pm, if I'm not mistaken... and then.... one hour later.... we were already told that we can go home now...
one hour earlier.... hmm.... whatever lah, since the other senior waiters/waitresses were allowed to go home as well..
maybe that'll lessen our pay.. maybe not.. I don know... as long as I get paid is good enough..
which I wasn't for today, all right... so don't come looking for me to treat you guys to lunch or something....

oh yeah... just to add something ironic that happened...
just got into work.. and guess who I met.. eating at one table... my aunty's whole family... the one that had took me in to her workplace last month... hahaha!

anyway... quite tiring this work... the only time that I got to sit was during lunch....
my feets are complaining... hahaha! but I guess that's just another one of the sacrifices for this job...
that's all....don know any further plans for this week... we'll see what happens...... or.. mainly me...


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