Over a year has gone. HYBRID has recovered from his last fall after FATE’s game and has continued to set forth with his life; FATE still weaving Her obstacles for him and the ‘Demon of the Conscience’, ID still present and battling with him as he progressed.
How will his journey be from here onwards?

HYBRID smiles.

He’s looking forward to what’s ahead.

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

F R I E N D S - Episode ????

Well.. today's schedule was.. quite booked.. and have I got something to talk about here...
ok.. let's talk about how my day went first...

This morning... Adrian Foo fetched me and we both headed and arrived at Roger's house at 11.30am..
helped with setting things inside his computer.... which was new... somewhat like.. set things up so that he can be happy with it.... something like that....
spent the whole day at his house...
for lunch.. went to Ma's Bakery to buy some Roti John... nice...
then returned to Rog's house to eat lunch... and then played the Malaysian version of the board game, Monopoly...
played for a few hours... and it was just the first game... haha...
in the end... never finished the game... (til only one player was not bankrupted).... Adrian ended up being the best player.. with the most houses and lands.... Roger ended up with the most money (that's cause he couldn't spend his money on houses or his lands, haha)...
and guess how I ended.....
nearly bankrupt and with only one area of lands to myself.... cheh...

anyway... that afternoon.. Roger got invited to a dinner at the chinese Boulevard Restaurant by Adolphus (another secondary school friend)....
A dinner with friends who were studying at Kuala Lumpur.. before they returned there soon...
in the message, the guys had wanted him to pull me in too.... but I had thought to save money and just go for Wushu instead...
but as time passed... I finally thought to join him lah....

night.. nearing 7.30pm... Roger came to picked me up at my house.. then we went to Boulevard Restaurant...
That night... the ones that were there were I, Roger, Rudi, Evelyn, Melissa, Denise, Tyger, Adolphus & Adeline....
boy, we sure had quite some to talk about huh? Haha!
so nice though... talked for hours there.... it was until when one of the lights were turned off that we all realised that it was time for the restaurant to be closing... Haha!
which.. I find... in a way... rude? cause..those restaurant staffs were looking at us bah...
whatever lah... not gonna accuse them of anything... we just left then...
then... got back and online as usual.. haha...

ok... my day done.... let me start talking about something... on the current issue of the tsunami event...
got to read in the newspaper this morning.... and I found something quite.. terribly, irrespectively... ironic...
in one article, I read that the people caught in the tsunami aftermath are suffering and their condition may be worsening...
then... some long distance away... somewhere in the Philipines... some policeman/men off-duty got shot dead in a gun fight with some civillians over the best spot to watch some nude dancers.... sheesh... darn people.... so caught up in their own worlds....

then, this evening... got to watch Starnews Asia... the confirmed death toll has reached 144,970.... scary... and the death toll is likely to continue rising...
and it seemed that shortage of food and drinking water and spreading of disease aren't the only problems being faced at the tsunami affected areas...
doggone it! thefts, burglary.. and worst of all... RAPE!!! my goodness!!
I can't believe how INCONSIDERATE & UNCARING these crime offenders are! preying on the vulnerable like that!!
thefts and burglary I can understand.... with the lack of anything.. I guess people just got desperate and start stealing from others... but.. RAPE!!!
I can never tolerate people who do that!! Rape has GOT to be the WORST crime a man can do to a woman.... or a girl, which is EVEN worse!! doggone it!!

still worried about Ilma..... still no news of her since Christmas.... sigh... really fearing the worst..... 30,000++ deaths in Sri Lanka... that's really scaring me....


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