Over a year has gone. HYBRID has recovered from his last fall after FATE’s game and has continued to set forth with his life; FATE still weaving Her obstacles for him and the ‘Demon of the Conscience’, ID still present and battling with him as he progressed.
How will his journey be from here onwards?

HYBRID smiles.

He’s looking forward to what’s ahead.

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Wednesday... darn day.....

Sheesh... Just when things started to look up.. something just HAD to go wrong...

Let's see.. how did today's work go...
besides the short nap early in the morning when I arrived there, cause of no work.... it was just... busy, busy, busy.... so much work to be taken care of...
but eventually the day's work is over...

Sometime in the afternoon... suddenly Roger contacted me... asking me to join him for a movie tonight.... Kung Fu Hustle...
He'd already know I've went to watch it some time ago... so he offered to treat me my ticket....
knowing how much he'd like me to join him for movies... I accepted... the movie should be enjoyable the second time I believe anyway...
So, got permission to drive out tonight... had dinner at home before leaving...
got there... couldn't get a nice parking.. darn it....
met up with Roger at Popular bookstore... then I did a little window shopping... Roger just accompanied me...
after all a while of that.. returned to the bookstore to look at some books while waiting for the time of the movie...

anyway... skip the details.. to the movie.... it was still funny some parts... still enjoyed the movie...
however... jokes and comedy aside... the story of the movie itself isn't.... good...
the character building especially of Stephen Chow's character is just.... near pointless.... both me and Roger think so.. either that or we both missed quite some important things said in the movie...

anyway... after movie... went home....
drove back as safely as I could.. at the back of my mind, constantly thinking of the possibility of some gang of people just coming and attack me or something....
then.. I got home... my uncle's van was parked at the front of the house gate... so I couldn't park inside the garage...
as I was reversing my car to get it in a position to drive right into the garage space once my uncle drove away his van... then it happenned....... the corner of my car's front bumper rubbed against the side of my uncle's van... hard...
the damage was just paint scrapped off the van.... for my car's bumper, was just some scratches and scraps.... not very noticeable unless taken attention...
good thing for me... my uncle wasn't too angry at me for that....
sigh.. damn it.... of all the things to happen and of all the times.... now my driving record is slightly dirtied.... darn it....

Well... could've been worse... so, I should be glad it wasn't....
Anyway.... this Friday is my last day of work... and according to my mother who phoned Curtin's Student Service, the summer course for foundation is on....
but likely to be changed... cause the person that answered her was not the person in charge of the summer course.... who was still on lift.. sheesh....
but I guess I can consider the summer course on...

and on another note.. getting worried of a particular friend of mine that I got to meet at Curtin.. Ilma...
She's from Sri Lanka.. and had gotten to study in the same course as I did... along with some of my other friends/classmates...
this semester break, she had went back home at Sri Lanka... got to contact with her through e-mail some time before Christmas....
then... the tsunami disaster... now.. Me and some friends are worried about her...
try to be as optimistic as we can.. but.. for me.. there needs to be some realistic in this... otherwise..... you just might end up in denial...
sigh.. really hope.. that she's all right... and well... and safe...
please... I beg you... please pray that she will be all right... and that we will be able to meet with her again... in person...


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