Over a year has gone. HYBRID has recovered from his last fall after FATE’s game and has continued to set forth with his life; FATE still weaving Her obstacles for him and the ‘Demon of the Conscience’, ID still present and battling with him as he progressed.
How will his journey be from here onwards?

HYBRID smiles.

He’s looking forward to what’s ahead.

Sunday, December 19, 2004

Super Sunday.... without the Super part...

Well... today wasn't so special... but just thought to update anyway...

Morning.. turned out that my uncle/Wushu coach forgot to come to pick to the practise... and I didn't bother to call him...
So.. instead... played some PS2... YAY!! It's back! After about three months of no video games... (ok.. so maybe I played a bit at other people's house) and my brother-in-law finally brought it back!
yay! Now I won't be so bored and spend my whole day online! hehehe!
Morning til lunch... played Silent Hill 3.... I'd to decide what game to play... and finally chose that....
Boy... everytime I play one of those Silent Hill games for the first time... I get so scared.. Hahah!
It is just... very unpredictable what you'll encounter in the game! plus the darkness or the lack of visibility... can't tell if the monsters are there or not....
Played for three hours more... then went for lunch...

About half an hour later.. back on the PS2... didn't feel like playing Silent Hill for now... so then popped in Final Fantasy X!!
It's quite an aged game and I've not even played the whole game yet!!!
Played nearly for the whole afternoon... until 5pm after... that was the time my family went to Boulevard for dinner...

Return an hour and a half later... played a little more of Final Fantasy X before I stopped and went for my shower...
Then... here I am writing this entry.... I guess that's all for today...

I'll end this entry with a nice list of symptoms for being too addicted to the popular Japanese Anime series, Naruto....
naturally.. this list can only be understood by those who've gotten to know some of Naruto...
but I've made an attempt to make it so that EVERYONE can understand this list....

You know your addicted to Naruto when you...
1. Practice hand seals seen on the anime, everyday.
2. Have a crush on Sakura and Ino.
3. Cosplay as one of the characters.
4. Start naming your homework A-rank missions.
5. When you claim your a ninja and hide behind trees smaller than you.
6. When you spit alcohol at a flaming lighter and yell 'Katon! Housenka No Jutsu!'
7. When you wear your head protector to school.
8. When you tell your friend's you summoned your pet using Kuchiyose No Jutsu.
9. Have a crush on Sasuke. (for the ladies.. Yes, Lish, I'm also talking about you...)
10. You draw a circular image on your stomache and claim Kyuubi is inside of you. (Kyuubi is the mythical fox demon, Nine-tailed Fox)
11. Try to climb trees with just your feet.
12. Try to walk on water....oh god.
13. Sit there for days asking Kyuubi for his chakra. (Chakra being something like an energy force throughout your body)
14. Address your teacher as 'Ero-sennin!' (Translates into 'Perverted Hermit!')
15. Have ambitions of one day being Hokage. (The Highest ranked ninja in a village)
16. Read/Watch RAW episodes/chapters of Naruto and you don't understand them.
17. Buy a Kabuki mask or an Anime mask and claim to be Anbu. (Anbu being a special group of well trained masked ninjas... something like the FBI or CIA)
18. When you wear your Anbu mask.
19. Wish your character happy birthday on their birthday and buy them a gift.
20. Cry seeing Gaara's flashbacks.
21. Accidentally call your girlfriend (god forbid you have one) Sakura by mistake.
22. Eat Ramen (noodles basically) every single day.
23. Watch the anime even after reading ahead in the manga.
24. When your iTunes/Winamp is filled with Naruto OST.
25. Spend time writing content on Naruto ppl already know.
26. Spend your life justifying your existence.
27. Carry a sand gourd (following the character, Gaara) to school to protect yourself from bullies.
28. Purchase white contacts and claim lineage to the Hyuuga clan. (A special clan with special eyes that are white or very pale...)
29. Answer your teacher's question, "Why do you come to school?" with "To kill a certain man." (following Sasuke)
30. Light your hand on fire and yell out "Chidori!!" in pain. (Chidori being a powerful move done)
31. Attain a sex change operation and say, "Sexy no Jutsu!" (One move by Naruto where he turns himself into a beautiful, naked woman)
32. Feed you and your dog pills hoping to stay up for 3 days. (In the anime, there exists a pill that gives extra boost to the consumer's strength and other physical attributes)
33. Bite your thumb and practice writing scrolls. (Something you can find the characters doing)
34. Tattoo your arm with an ANBU symbol, neck with a cursed seal, and head with the Chinese character word, 'Love'.
35. Start poking people believing you can stop there chakra flow. (Poking at supposed 64 points all over the human body... something like acupunture... just that with fingers instead of needles...)
36. Had your own funeral tribute for the Third. (The Third Hokage of the village)
37. You start doing Shikamaru's hand gesture habit when thinking. (having your palms facing upwards, tips of every finger from left connected with the tips of every finger from the right)
38. Say "datte bayo" at the end of everything you say, and not even know what it actually means! (Something Naruto often likes to say in Japanese... in a way to give emphasis on the importance to whatever he was saying)
39. Have a ramen poster on your wall.
40. Wear a generic pair of sandals everyday.
41. Claim to have the powers of Sharingan whenever your eye gets red. (Special eyes that are red)
42. Plan to name your future children after Naruto characters.
43. Memorize the lyrics of the Naruto openings/endings, even if you don't even know what you're really saying.
44. Are being mugged or attacked and decide to ask a random bug near you for assistance. (one character happens to talk to bugs and use them in battles...)
45. Use your kitchen knives as Kunai (thorwing knives) and try to re-enact some Naruto fights with your fellow Naruto pals.
46. Murder everyone in your family to measure yourself... (Part of the anime story)
47. Draw whiskers on your cheeks, dye your hair blonde, and put on an orange coat, running around like an idiot screaming; "datte bayo!" (Imitation of Naruto himself)
48. Dress like your teacher and have the same freaky hair style and eyebrows. (Following two characters, a teacher and a student that dress and look really alike.. though not related by blood)
49. Tell your teacher you will dedicate your schoolwork to making your homework without using ninjutsu or genjutsu. (Following one particular character... Ninjutsu meaning ninja techniques and Genjutsu meaning illusionary techniques)
50. Make masks of yourself, get your friends to wear them and tell everyone it's; Kage Bunshin No Jutsu! (A ninja technique that makes real clones of yourself)
51. Destroy all the books in school to measure your knowledge.
52. Steal a snake from the zoo, stand on his head and tell your friend you want his body.
53. Ask your girl to dye her hair pink, just because it reminds of you Saku...eh...your mom.


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