Over a year has gone. HYBRID has recovered from his last fall after FATE’s game and has continued to set forth with his life; FATE still weaving Her obstacles for him and the ‘Demon of the Conscience’, ID still present and battling with him as he progressed.
How will his journey be from here onwards?

HYBRID smiles.

He’s looking forward to what’s ahead.

Sunday, December 19, 2004

A Great Day & An Even Better Night

Yeah... yesterday was just that...

First.... day time.. at work.... There wasn't much to do for today... for some reason...
Mostly just sit... talk.. listen to some music.. waiting for time to go by...
During lunch break, called up Azie.. to confirm with her if we'll going out for dinner last night..
Fortunately, yes, she can come out tonight... but she didn't have any ride.
She asked me (or it might've been Tania at the background) to give them a ride.
For today, I thought I would be able to drive so I agreed to.

Haha! Then that afternoon, when there was barely any work for me and some of my other workmates...
there was this little kid... one of the older worker's child... He was constantly running around and just having his own fun...
Today I got to know him quite some... and it so happens that he got a few items needed for a magic trick and I was kind of itching to do something...
So, I borrowed one coin from him and showed him a magic show...
Hahaha! Boy, this kid was so... hahah! He constantly begged me to show him the trick again and again... didn't.... until later...
There happened to be an old deck of cards there... so I used them and played some more... better tricks on him....
Then.. soon enough, I got to show some tricks to some of my workmates....
taught them one... they caught a few (but not learning them)... it was fun...
then.. evening time.. end of work... I walked back home.. despite my aunt's protest.. hahaha!
And, remember that little kid? he actually ran out after me and said that he wanted to follow me to my house...
I was like... "What the!? This is trouble..." Hahaha!
Luckily, I got to convince him not to follow me... and he still persist on knowing where I live...
As I walked on.... across some streets and further away... he was still looking at me... from the distance...
He probably went back when suddenly one workmate drove by and gave me a ride... haha!

Back home... since the dinner with Azie was at 7pm... I had an hour and a half to be ready...
Thankfully, I was allowed to drive for tonight...
After 6.30pm, I went off... heading for Azie's place.... and picked up Azie & Tania...
And went to Bintang Plaza...

At first, our plan was to eat at McDonald's... but then it turned out that it was crowded.... then went to KFC... which Tania had forgotten existed in this complex.. Hahah!
We ate and talked.... about half an hour and more so... we then left back to McDonald... Azie said she wanted to buy one of those Incredibles toys...
after a while of waiting in line.. we were told that they were sold out... sheesh...
Well.. now.. with no other plans... Azie & Tania went window shopping... with me to accompany them.
Somewhere while doing so... Tania had a call from her mother... who asked if they had wanted to go to the Discovery pub...
"Sure, why not?" that was what both me and Azie answered.. not the exact same words.. and not at the same time... but what we said went along that line...
So, the plan now was to wait for Tania's mother to come to Bintang Plaza to pick the girls up and head for the pub.. which was about half an hour and more after the call...
I drove to the pub myself.... good thing I've been there once with Jacky, Cindy, Roger, Lish, Ching Tung, Oscar & Peng Ju....
Found a place to park... I went to the pub.. couldn't find them though... as a matter of fact, there was barely anyone there...
then called Azie to ask where she was... it had turned out she, Tania & her mother had went to the other pub, The Rock Bistro.. which was behind the block where the Discovery pub was....
They had never realised its existence and had thought it looked nice and tried it out....
We had some drinks.... and talked quite some... later, Azie's parents came...
Talked some more... etc....
Passed 10.15pm... I was wondering if I should head back home already.... then... a phone call...
and my sis answered that question for me.... haha!
Paid my drink and then head back home...

I really enjoyed my time with Azie... it's been a while... and I had been so anticipating for the night since she confirmed with me that afternoon....
To be honest.. I had actually wanted to give my Christmas gift to Azie that night... but didn't find the right time too... Hopefully, I can next weekend...

Well.. that's all for this blog entry... going for wushu practise within an hour's time...
Will update this blog some more another time then!


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