Over a year has gone. HYBRID has recovered from his last fall after FATE’s game and has continued to set forth with his life; FATE still weaving Her obstacles for him and the ‘Demon of the Conscience’, ID still present and battling with him as he progressed.
How will his journey be from here onwards?

HYBRID smiles.

He’s looking forward to what’s ahead.

Thursday, December 23, 2004

Thursday.. A MAGICal finish to the day...

Well.. the title of this blog only implies to the daytime of today for me...

OK.. summary on my work day...
It's been all right... little bored once in a while... but ok...
To be honest.. in the afternoon, I thank my goodness that that little kid was not there to bother us...
sheesh.. the kid was nice to have to keep us entertained.. but the thing is.. he's just too naughty and it becomes troublesome for most of us during our work...

Well... after work, which was later than usual cause me and my cousin helped some more at the workplace.... got home and wited for Roger..
yesterday, he had called me about a talk taking place somewhere in the Boulevard area...
and the talk had included magic and a magician as the speaker... John Teo....
without hesitation, I agreed to join him...
so.. immediately after work, he'll come to pick me up...
which he did... and we went off there.. found the place and went in...
there wasn't many people there, so.... GOOD!!

The talk turned out to be on management... the title of the talk... 'Management by MAGIC'...
there, I met one of my uncle there.. and also... guess who.. Wong Shin Kah aka Wong Senior!! (for those of you who aren't familiar, he is one of the SOAR Advisors during my orientation in Curtin..)
The magician was (duh!) very good... a professional undoubtedly...
and not only that.. it'd seem there were other magicians in the audience as well.. which should be expected with such a talk...
during the talk, John had shown us a lot of magic tricks.... though the tricks were of low level.. it was still very fascinating...
some of them, Roger & I can understand somewhat of how John did them... but there were some that we just can't get...
besides that, he taught the audience (about 10++ people) two tricks... which both me and Roger already knew of....

At the end of the talk.. went to talk to John Teo... he showed us a few extra card tricks... and we got to know another young magician.. around me and Roger's age...
boy.. was that fellow good with his hands! He really knows how to use his hands for those tricks he showed us!!
plus! he knows the magician's language too! Which both Roger and I don't even know so well!!
Despite how good Roger & I were... I suppose we're not even considered low-levelled magicians yet...
well.. at least, we learned some new things from there... left at 7.30pm....

Well.. that's all for this entry....
This Saturday, Abel invited me through SMS to his open house for Christmas... Hopefully I'll be able to go...
well.. my plans for Christmas aren't well planned yet...
I also actually planned to go out with Azie that Saturday night to watch 'Kung Fu Hustle' starring Stephen Chow... but then it's Christmas, so she might be spending time with her family instead...
So... my Christmas day schedule is still not yet managed... hopefully it will be, latest, by tomorrow..


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