Over a year has gone. HYBRID has recovered from his last fall after FATE’s game and has continued to set forth with his life; FATE still weaving Her obstacles for him and the ‘Demon of the Conscience’, ID still present and battling with him as he progressed.
How will his journey be from here onwards?

HYBRID smiles.

He’s looking forward to what’s ahead.

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Wednesday.. One-sidedly see-sawing away!

Well... today... there was a little bad.. and a little good... no... wait.. MORE GOOD!!

Well... let me just give my summary of my work day today...
Morning, we were quite busy.. finishing off where we left off from yesterday and more...
but we were done.. at least by afternoon...
Afternoon was a little bored.. played quite often this littel game called 'Mastermind' (won't bother to elaborate)... but then ended with some works...
haha... funny thing when about to leave for home...
My younger cousin's car... stopped functioning... seems that his battery were dead or broken...
but fortunately, there was a mechanic's shop nearby... and the battery was cahnged with a new one...
That's the big advantage with working nearby a mechanic's shop... Hahha!

So.. came home... went to play Final Fantasy X on the PS2 again... Hahaha!
For those familiar with the game... I was playing the part where we first play blitzball against the defending champions, Luca Goers..
Well... one round.. STILL couldn't beat them... this is my second try at this... and I WANT TO WIN THEM!! Those show-offs! haha!
But then.. dinner time... be right back for the game...
Dinner & a shower later.. returned to the PS2..
A few more tries... about 3 to 4 more times before I finally beat them! OH YEAH! It felt GOOD!!!
Hahaha! once after that... saved my game and left to go online! Haha! As usual!

Well... that's all for this entry... Seems I'm quite in a good mood today! ^_^


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