Over a year has gone. HYBRID has recovered from his last fall after FATE’s game and has continued to set forth with his life; FATE still weaving Her obstacles for him and the ‘Demon of the Conscience’, ID still present and battling with him as he progressed.
How will his journey be from here onwards?

HYBRID smiles.

He’s looking forward to what’s ahead.

Saturday, January 01, 2005

Happy New Year, both greeting and my start

Happy New Year, everyone!!
Right now... it's already 23 hours and nearly 30 minutes since 2005 began... for me anyway....
Today.. I should say.. it started at a slow pace... then it went in a completely unexpected turn somewhere along the way... fortunately... for the good!

Well.. let's start from last night eh?
My entering into the new year 2005.... was online... on MSN... with Nadia, Liz, Darshana, Nellie & Stephanie Ting (a friend of mine from secondary school, who'll be studying at UK soon)....
It was the first time I ever spent a new year's celebration online...
but I suppose it was to be expected... no family plans to go anywhere.... Malaysia's Prime Minister announced to place New Year's celebration to a minimum.... plus finally my routine online habit....
Meanwhile... Azie and her family had a performance at some.. dinner... I think... that was held at the Miri Port...
Oh yeah.. forgot to say that I got to spend some time in the Indoor Stadium for Wushu... with my cousins, uncle and aunty.. and Roger & Adrian Foo....
somewhere during Wushu, I got a sms from Bay... he sent me a 'Happy New Year' greeting sms..
Great! Thanks, Bay! Not only for greeting me.. but for giving me quite a nice sms good! hehe!
did a little editing to the sms itself... then send a draft to Roger's hp...
checked it.. it looked good... then sent it to Azie... hehe!
Anyway.. after wushu.. spent some time there.. just me, Rog & Ad.... just talking....
then returned home... THEN spent the rest of the time online... til after midnight.. after entering the new year, 2005!!

OK... now.. for today's happening...
well.. first off... today for some reason.. my house phone lines were a little off... something went wrong.. don't know what... problematic for going online... constantly going on and off...
thank goodness I was able to get some walkthrough for Silent Hill 3 at least...
so I was able to off from going online... or tried to...
So.. with some knowledge of Silent Hill 3... I was able to continue the game and get the other endings to the game...
then... hours later playing the game.. 3pm or so... I went to call Azie... wanted to talk to her... ask her about her performance last night....
but my house phone was problematic and could barely catch any of what she said.. so we got to decide to call back later...
so returned to my game... some time later.. she called me to my hp...
it turned out that she was at Boulevard together with Ankita... and now they had no transport to go home... so she asked me for a favour...
which was a bit of problem for me... but I agreed to try and get permission to drive out...
my brother who was home, didn't agree that I go driving... darn fellow... then he ended by saying to call mother and ask her...
called her up.... talked for quite a while.. then finally got the permission... thankfully...
so, brother has nothing to say.... but guess what... after I changed clothing.. the Telekom people came by and blocked the gate.. so couldn't leave immediately.. what timing....
Thank goodness they weren't here for too long... about half hour I think.....
then I was on my way... phoned Azie to tell her that... then left off...

Picked Az & Ankie, then drove off... Ankie wanted to head to Curtin.. just to visit and do a little something, I'm not too sure what exactly.... heard something about checking on friends who were back at the tsunami effected places...
but.. when finally arrived there.. it'd seem it was closed.... too bad...
so headed to Azie's house.... that night, Azie's mum planned to eat out at Sultana (Near Al Fresco & Cheerie Berries)....
Asked me and Ankita to join them.... I agreed to join and a little later, Ankita agreed to too... on the condition that she would be able to return home early tonight...
Hahaha..it was about 5pm.. the time to be ready to go for the dinner was 7.30pm... so we still had time...
I got to try out the game, Shadow Hearts: Covenant... interesting game.. but somewhere as I played it jammed... the whole game.. so stopped...
then, Azie asked me to help her through one part in Kingdom Hearts... the fight against one particular boss which she was having problem with....
hehe... of course, I agreed to help.. I was familiar with the game though I've never finished the whole game... yet...
boy.. hehe.. the boss was quite difficult.... cause of my lack of playing the game...
hmm... less then ten tries later.. I finally beat the boss... to Azie's surprise.. hehehe!
She was at her room when I done it.. went over to there... said I did it... she heard wrong and thought I said I've given up...
repeated what I said and her eyes just widened.. hahaa! "Really??"
leaving for the PS2, she kept muttering, "Is that for real?"
hehe! surely enough, it was for real.. then she kept urging me to save the game.. which I did.. then done with the PS2...

now... hehehe... an hour before 7.30pm... she was finding it annoying... my shorts... hehee... I supposed she had been used to dressing up nicely before going out... and I supposed she didn't like the idea of me wearing shorts and going out... Hahaha!
knew I should've worn long pants.. but I had never initially thought I'd be out til night!
finally.. after her shower.. she went to lend me her father's shirt and long pants and also a towel...
yeah... I showered at her house... so did Ankita.... hahaha!
to me... I feel weird showering at other people's house... except for that time I showered at iqbal's.. twice even... but both times were because I needed the shower and I wasn't going to be going home to do so...
anyway... had my shower... then just waited til we finally leave...
Azie & Ankita followed Az's mum while I drove alone to Sultana.. they went to pick up an aunt while on the way...
so... got to Sultana first and I got a table... but it wasn't long before they arrived...
sigh.. what luck... Sultana appeared to have low of stock.. they barely had anything on the menu... so had to order from Al Fresco....
soon, Tania & her mum came and joined us... we ate and drank there....
soon 10pm... Ankie had to go.... Az's mum wasn't going to send her back... so looked at me... haha...
yeah, I agreed to send her back..... accompanied by Azie & Tania...
hehehe... then ended up in a little.... 'adventure'....
hehe... got a little lost while trying to find Miri Hospital... which I went to last time when visiting Nellie, together with Roger & Adrian Foo.... I'm sure I written an entry on that some long time ago...
haha... even Ankie was having problems remembering the road....
after some rounds here... and some turns there... was relieved when we finally saw a sign that points out where the hospital was... Hahaah!
then headed there.. dropped Ankita off... then returned to Sultana.. where I dropped Azie & Tania down to re-join their aunts and mothers...
then drove back home.... end of today...

Well.... the 'completely unexpected turn' of today was when I was able to spend my time with Azie... I'm quite happy about today... hehe!


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