Over a year has gone. HYBRID has recovered from his last fall after FATE’s game and has continued to set forth with his life; FATE still weaving Her obstacles for him and the ‘Demon of the Conscience’, ID still present and battling with him as he progressed.
How will his journey be from here onwards?

HYBRID smiles.

He’s looking forward to what’s ahead.

Friday, January 07, 2005

Beginning of Summer(?)

Well.. today was the long awaited start of the Curtin Summer Course... well.. the LAN units anyway...

Morning, woke up early... got to drove to campus.... man.. what a long traffic queue...
Arrived at Curtin... then waited at the cafeteria... where we, the foundation engineering gang, had made plans to meet up first...
Amos, Krishna, Hari, Nadia, Liz, Rick, Sherry..... Ehon was also there... but he wasn't there for the summer course....
anyway... we all went in to the class... had a little trouble since (just for today) the class was changed... so we had a little trouble finding the new venue....
while finding the new venue, we met up with Snow Jae and she joined us to the class.. since she's taking Moral Studies for the summer course... which was the class that we were supposed to attend right now...

Found the class.. got inside... sat down... most of the students there were Degree Students.. hehe...
The lecturer was Ms. Azlin.... an interesting and a nice teacher... made me feel really interested with the subject...
anyway... turned out that we'll have to have to attend eight hours of class per week, instead of four.... so.. now I'll have a class on Thursdays as well....
anyway... we got to end the class half an hour than supposed and so we went for lunch....
after lunch, then went for the next class... Malaysian Studies....
the lecturer was Mr. Arnold.... interesting teacher.... haha... can be quite funny sometimes as he talked...
not to say that he was boring.. but.. this subject is basically... History of Malaysia after all... and history has never been my favourite subject since secondary school....
but... I'll still have to like this subject for now... once I pass it... then I can forget about it.. Hahah!
same as Moral Studies... we also had to attend eight hours of class for this subject per week instead of four.... so we decided on Thursday afternoon... after Moral Studies...

Thankfully.. Arnold's class ended one hour earlier... so then I headed to Grand Palace Hotel... and got to register a job enrolment form...
hopefully, I can get a nice job as a waiter here.. as a friend of mine told me about before.... for the weekends only... then maybe I can earn some pocket money....
anyway..... drove back home.. had a shower and dinner.... that night was another gathering at Hotspot.... to celebrate Mary's birthday....
Mary, David, Sze Ing, Oscar, Jacky, Cindy, David Yeo, RUidi, Chee Keong, Roger & I....
it was great time there....
but.... earlier... before coming to Hotspot.. it turned out that there was supposed to be another gathering at Seahorse.... with Peng Ju and some others..
but.. spending more and more time here at Hotspot.. by the time we were about to leave fro Seahorse.. the guys had already went off... early too.. just 8.30pm...

anyway.... then headed back home and I was online again...
hehe... tomorrow.. there is a plan for a house-warming visit to Oscar's house..... hehehe... can't wait!


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