Over a year has gone. HYBRID has recovered from his last fall after FATE’s game and has continued to set forth with his life; FATE still weaving Her obstacles for him and the ‘Demon of the Conscience’, ID still present and battling with him as he progressed.
How will his journey be from here onwards?

HYBRID smiles.

He’s looking forward to what’s ahead.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

The Poleman Show

Wow... today's been quite a day for me! Woohoo!

OK... morning... Roger came over to my house at 8am... watched some Naruto... then 9.30am or so, we left for Tyger's family coffee shop.... in hopes of finding a suitable job....
got there.... Denise, Melissa & Tyger were there... drank, talked, etc...
we got to find out that the vacancies were already taken.... so no job for us...
I also got to meet with an unidentical twin friends of mine, who were both my ex-classmates in Form 5... they were working there as well...
we had made plans to visit the Sunflower Center... well..mainly, Denise's idea... Roger and I just tagged along...
Denise then went to meet with her mother for lunch... Tyger went off to do her work... leaving Melisssa in the company of me and Roger...
after lunch there, the three of us headed to my house.. to wait for time before going to the centre... in the meantime... Roger & I got into a little practise with our magic tricks.... since we'd planned to do some entertainment for the children at the Sunflower Centre...
played some on Melissa.. then before we know it... we then left for the centre....

There, we met up with Rudi, Evelyn & Denise.... Adeline then joined us shortly after our arrival...
then... we went in.. turned out that Rudi had contacted the centre before our arrival.. to make an appointment of our visit...
having a look around the centre... the guys got to recognise a teacher from our primary school!
guess...in my last visit there, I never recognised her....
anyway... did a little catching up and then we all got to know somemore about the centre....
After a little discussion with the people at the centre... they got to gather the children to the main hall...
it was some time here that Roger & I were finding it difficult to think of some magic tricks that they'll be able to understand...
but after some tricks.. we got to succeed and the end result was pretty satisfying...
nearly everyone had fun and enjoyed themselves at the time... hehe!
all done.. about time for the children to head home.. we helped a little with the cleaning up....
then.. got to talk with our ex-teacher some more.. as she explained to us some more of the children and mainly how they try to find them jobs outside to do, etc....
after that... we left...

Then... night time... Jacky/Han Jac's birthday... a gathering at Hotspot.. which was near Al Fresco & Cheerie Berries...
Roger wasn't going to pick me up for tonight... Luckily, Oscar was generous enough to help....
So got there.... some others that came were Jacky (of course...), Cindy, Chee Keong, Lester, Sze Ing, Ngiik Ming, Mary, Gurvir and some others that I don't know the names....
we ate and drank and lots of laughs.. and the gathering ended with a birthday cake!
after that.... some went back... while some of the rest went for some snooker game.. nearby... Jacky, Cindy, Oscar, Gurvir, Sze Ing, Roger & I....
hahaa... had quite a good time there... plenty of good laughs, thanks Gurvir and his darn jokes... haha!
had a great time that night....

boy... the activities if compared between the morning at Tyger's shop and Jacky's birthday... it feels like such a contrast... that I thought it had happened in a totally different day! man.... time is flying fast in my mind!!

Anyway... on other news, I've gotten a new cellphone... Yay!! I won't say much on it so openly here...
Who knows who might target it in the near future....?

anyway... that all for today's show of mine!


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