Over a year has gone. HYBRID has recovered from his last fall after FATE’s game and has continued to set forth with his life; FATE still weaving Her obstacles for him and the ‘Demon of the Conscience’, ID still present and battling with him as he progressed.
How will his journey be from here onwards?

HYBRID smiles.

He’s looking forward to what’s ahead.

Friday, January 21, 2005

Pitch Black... then a light shone...

Well... life often seems to always have this 'down, then up' effects huh...?
This morning, I woke up.. slightly still with a bit of the emotions of yesterday...
but.. as time went on.. things got to look up..

Morning, I had work...
today is a public holiday after all... or at least.. it was supposed to be... but I have Malaysian Studies class as well this afternoon...
anyway.. back to my work..
today.. it seems that.. work was.... a lot... more..... fun....
haha.. yeah... it feels a lot more comfortable now at work...
I don't know.. it just felt better.....
besides that.. today's been one awkward day too...
first... there was one table... with one black guy... an Indian, maybe?
I was setting up the plate sets on this table.. he then gestured to me to look at him... I did... he smiled... and I smiled back.. and guess what he said?
"Ah! Finally smile!"
anyway.. this guy was a really friendly guy.... as I continue on with my work.. and sometimes.. as I work, he'd call me over.. then.. talked to me a little... while, of course, ordering what he wanted too at the same time...
he asked me a little about my work.. my schooling... blahblahblah... not veyr much talking....
however.. it really feel awkward for me to be talking to the customers like this..
not that I didn't like it.. but.. I'm just afraid that the other workers may think I'm not doing my work if I spend too much time talking with the customers like this....

beside this fellow... there was another table...
awkward.. cause I often noticed these people keep staring at me...
and I feel like as if they know me or something... or maybe they're looking at someone else instead of me...
continued my work for some while later... then finally they called me...
"What's your name?" the woman asked... "You know what? You look veyr much like my son!"
........ ok....
"You part timer?" yeah...
"What time do you finish work today?" til noon...
"You working tomorrow?" no....
"Oh! I wanted my son to come here and see his 'elder brother'! Hahah! Too bad!"
Can understand how awkward that must've felt?

and that's not all.. there was another table that called to me for something else.. besides ordering food or drink!
a young woman called me... there was another young woman with her... and she was laughing so.. timidly???
this woman that called me that blurted out straight-forwardly after failing to get that other woman to talk to me what she wanted to...
"She wants to take a photo of you."
I was like... *eyes popped out of sockets!*
She mentioned a little about some woman in another table... (which I believe was the woman from earlier)...
she then asked if I would allow them for a picture... I.... well.... with thousands of Japanese anime-styled sweatdrops all over me, agreed to it...
and she quickly snapped one close up picture of me with her friend's Samsung (i think...)....
This one was even more awkward than the one before...

anyway.... today's work wasn't too busy... wasn't that many customers near the end of my work.. which was by noon...
then left work quickly.. and went to fill up my car's diesel... luckily, there was plenty in the usual PETRONAS station and there wasn't any queue...
quickly, had everything done.. then headed to Boulevard...
I was supposed to fetch two classmates of mine, Yu Yen & Marilyn....
Marilyn had a road accident before and she isn't allowed to drive for some time...
Yu Yen had no car to drive so she too needed a ride...
they'd asked for my help yesterday.. and yeah.. agreed to help.. since it's along the way to Curtin...
after picking them up at Boulevard... then drove to Curtin...
and went through the Malaysian Studies Class...
really enjoy Mr. Arnold's class... he's so interesting to listen to.. really like him a lot..
makes me feel... comfortable and interested when doing the assignments given... well... at least, more than I would expect doing them....
class ended at 3.30pm.. but since we were just told that we'll have a group presentation next week... we needed to find our group members quickly...
cone that was done... headed off...

had to drop off Yu Yen & Marilyn at Boulevard and then I headed home...
hehehe... then I got onto the PS2 and played some X-Men Legends...
things are beginning to get interesting for me now....
haha! Really drawing away from Arc the Lad and to this game...
but whatever...
tomorrow, I have waitering work again at the hotel restaurant... and same for the Sunday....
well.. the more work.. the more pay I can get....

well.. anyway.. continuing with the 'down, then up' thing...
yesterday I was really bombed down.... and today had started off a little low....
however, slowly but surely, things looked up and up again as the day went on...
I don't know.. could just be the optimism in me brightening things up.. or that's just how my life goes...
the same thing happened during one of my earlier blog entries...
I was so frustrated until I just had to spill it all out... and then things brightened up after that...
and yesterday a near similar event.... and then things slowly got brighter again..

My luck...
The way my life runs...
Just coincidence....
whatever.... it's happening in my life.... so I'll just have to accept it as it comes...
til the next blog entry then....


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