Over a year has gone. HYBRID has recovered from his last fall after FATE’s game and has continued to set forth with his life; FATE still weaving Her obstacles for him and the ‘Demon of the Conscience’, ID still present and battling with him as he progressed.
How will his journey be from here onwards?

HYBRID smiles.

He’s looking forward to what’s ahead.

Monday, January 31, 2005

Serving Fun? For the first time!

For the first time ever, during work, it felt so fun! hahaha!
Yesterday, got waiter work at Grand Palace Hotel... morning and night...

Morning, was the usual busy-busy work... serving here and there...
worked from 9am till 2.30pm!! so tiring...
when reached home... had only one and a half hours of rest before going back to the hotel...
got to convince Roger to just come on over to my place for the time being...
while he rested his feet, I rested my feet and played X-Men Legends...
we both showered and then we left for the hotel... together with my bro who's also working there if you guys recalled me saying that in an earlier blog entry....

19 tables all set during the afternoon...
Besides Roger, my bro and I, there was otehrs as well, including Guan Thai & Man Ni...
work that night was tiring on the count that our feet only had about two hours of rest...
but it was all right... as the night progressed.. I realised that I'd just self-assigned myself to take care of the drinks.. hahah!
which saved me quite a lot of tiring work... hahah!
but that was only in the first hour or so of the function... soon enough, I returned to some of the usual work...
Worked til 10.30pm and then headed back home...

Now with a (not too strict) curfew by my mother.. I can't stay up too late into the night... so couldn't get online to do my blog, hahah!
well... that's all..
today.. just spent my whole day at home...
played X-Men till the end of the game.. to my despair.. = (
after all those leveling up of the characters and now I don't get to continue using them again... sigh... so sad....
I think I'll do a little review for this game.. in case you guys are considering buying this game...
check it in the next blog entry...
that's all!


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