Over a year has gone. HYBRID has recovered from his last fall after FATE’s game and has continued to set forth with his life; FATE still weaving Her obstacles for him and the ‘Demon of the Conscience’, ID still present and battling with him as he progressed.
How will his journey be from here onwards?

HYBRID smiles.

He’s looking forward to what’s ahead.

Thursday, February 03, 2005


Was that how Stephen Chow did those 'Sonic dash' scenes???
anyway.. today's been an okay day, I suppose...

Morning was Moral studies class...
several more presentations and then one final lecture... and some revision tips from our lecturer, Ms. Azlin...
then... I was supposed to go get my work salary that afternoon at Grand Palace Hotel.... meeting Roger at 2.30pm there..
so... I thought and decided that I eat at Curtin and stick around until it nears 2pm...
spending time at the computer lab... Marilyn then asked me to help send her back home...
I complied... after a quick thinking of road plans to the hotel...

After sending her home.. arrived at the hotel... then had to wait for Roger a little...
when he came, went to get the salary...
the last time, Roger went to get the salary for me.. both of us got paid less than we should've been... two hours and more worth of salary was missing... RM10++ for me...
I have to admit.. I wanted those money.. hahaha...
and thankfully, I got them back.. with a little extra... It turned out that they had miscounted one day of my work (and Rog's)...
and so I got my correct amount of cash and went off...
at the time, Guan Thai arrived as well and got his salary as well...
then we all went our separate ways...
and oh yeah... I also took my brother's salary for him...

got home... and played some Arc the Lad... I believe I'm almost done with the game...
got to the final boss already... but didn't have the time to beat him and had wasted too much of my characters' power in vain...
so, probably gonna give it another shot tomorrow or soon... before Chinese New Year and my two summer course LAN units' tests in 11 & 12 Feb....

just now, got to watch American Idol... I enjoy the show really...
especially love to hear what the judges have to say... Simon Cowell, Paula Abdul and Randy...

that's all for today...

"With the forces of Good and Evil within me and a mix of Neutral! I shall be the Hybrid!"
Cool! Just got a new nick for me-self! the Hybrid!!
got the idea from a MSN chat with Rog and Lish...


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