Over a year has gone. HYBRID has recovered from his last fall after FATE’s game and has continued to set forth with his life; FATE still weaving Her obstacles for him and the ‘Demon of the Conscience’, ID still present and battling with him as he progressed.
How will his journey be from here onwards?

HYBRID smiles.

He’s looking forward to what’s ahead.

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Eve of Valentine's

Hmm... turned out that I didn't have to go to work today... hehee!
last night I contacted David... instead, he asked me then and there if I wanted to come to work...
I declined... why? Cause I wanted to play.. HAHAHA! Hey! test just finished! So enjoy once lah.. no work.. no worries...

today, I didn't wake up early as I had planned...
turned out I went back to sleep after my mobile phone alarm... and slept for a few more hours before waking up on my own... at 9.45am...
Came out of the room to find my young cousin, Jonathan playing King Arthur on the PS2....
I let him play, sometimes altering turns whenever he or I died in the game...
then stopped for lunch... when my family and Jon's went to Tasty Point (the one near Mega Hotel)...
After that... went around Imperial Mall for a little... before my brother, me and Jon headed to my house...
went straight to play Kingdom Hearts...

Boy... I've gotten to the point where the monsters all became incredibly strong! Man!! So tough to beat them! Epecially a few of the bosses...
Couldn't do much in the game's story for today cause spent too much time losing to those REALLY hard bosses...
then came time to go out for dinner.. at the Chinese restaurant at Dynasty Hotel... together with Jonathan's family too...
after that, my family went around Parkson for a little...
while there, I got to encounter a few ex-Chung Hua mates of mine... some of which were my classmates too...
just a quick 'Hello' & 'Happy Chinese New Year' and then they went off...
Spent some more time around the supermarket before we headed back home...

Oh yeah... forgot to add....
somewhere during dinner... David called my brother's mobile phone....
he asked him if he could come for work tomorrow morning.. my brother declined... and then David asked for me...
I complied... My as well earn some money for this week.... hehe....
So... tomorrow morning til early afternoon, I'll be quite busy... sigh.. on the day of Valentine's too..
hmm.... which of course reminds me of someone..
Will be planning to buy her something.... but we'll see how it goes...


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