Over a year has gone. HYBRID has recovered from his last fall after FATE’s game and has continued to set forth with his life; FATE still weaving Her obstacles for him and the ‘Demon of the Conscience’, ID still present and battling with him as he progressed.
How will his journey be from here onwards?

HYBRID smiles.

He’s looking forward to what’s ahead.

Saturday, February 12, 2005

I have the power!!!

I've the power.. the power...
.. to HAVE FUN!!!

Friday, February 11, 2005
Morning, I spent my time playing Kingdom Hearts.. but once near noon, I stopped...
showered and have lunch and left for Curtin... why?
I planned to study the subject for the whole afternoon....
thankfully, on campus, I was able to find a computer in the lab where I can use for the whole afternoon...
stayed there for hours... then Kent Onn joined me... we then got into some discussion on the exam...
to be honest... I was quite calm about the test.... I wasn't at all worrying about it.... and I believe Kent was too.. but at least he was better prepared for it..
somewhere along the afternoon.. about an hour or so before the exam... Jackson suddenly messaged me saying that he just took the exam and is willing to help those who'll be taking the exam later...
I was like... 'Say what!?'
Turned out that Jackson had a clash of two exams later.... so he had the M'sian studies exam earlier... to some of the other's advantage, thankfully!!
got to know most of the questions that Jackson gone through.. and so, Kent & I went back to the computer lab to do some more research on these questions..
half an hour before the test, we went to the cafeteria... Kent followed me but intended to do some more studying there...
I, on the other hand, went there in search for food so that I don't feel hungry during the test later.... since my lunch was before coming to campus! (by the way, test was at 5.30pm...)

turned out nothing I wanted to eat... so didn't... thankfully I didn't feel hungry during the two-hour long test...
before the test, just hung around the cafeteria.. with Krishna, Hari, Jackson, Nadia, Liz, & Wong...
seems that most of us were quite confident about the test, or we're just not taking it seriosuly...
honestly, I thought i was able to be out of the exam hall before the two hour mark was reached...
but turned out that it wasn't going to be as I had quite some to write.... until my writing hand was sore...
but make it through anyway.... felt great, but the next morning, we have Moral Studies exam and I haven't started my revision on that!
but it wasn't only me.. most of the others too haven't started their revision onMoral Studies...
and most of them wre planning to go insoniac and study the whole night through til morning....
me... I planned to revise the subject the whole night and NOT til morning.. haha!

Drove home and went straight to my computer to study through the lecture notes...
as I did, I later decided to write down notes on a piece of paper so that I can study them the next morning...
Spent hours in front of the computer to write the notes.. at one point, Krish chat with me through Wong's MSN, asking about the format of tomorrow's exam...
I honestly had forgotten the format that Ms. Azlin had told us over a week ago...
anyway.. I was finally done with the notes before 1 in the morning...
then went straight to sleep....

Saturday, February 12, 2005
Morning.. thank you, mother, for waking me up early this morning!!
I had slept through my mobile phone alarm... which was half an hour ago...
I showered, and had breakfast and left for Curtin before 8am....
when I got there, found Marilyn & Yu Yen at the cafeteria... and so joined them to study Moral for the time being...
as more of the others started to appear and join us... it finally came to the hour of the exam...
it wasn't too hard... I was able to do the exam quite satisfyingly too... and was out of the exam hall before one hour has even passed!! to the surprise of some others...
once out of the hall... I actually JUMPED WITH JOY!! Oh yeah! I was free for now and I can GLADLY play Kingdom Hearts!!
but then again.. some of you will think that I've been playing the game anyway, despite the inpending exams.... but whatever...

Could have been out with Yu Yen, Marilyn & maybe a few others to visit their houses... but my cousin, Jonathan was at my house, and I was supposed to 'entertain' him....
drove home... quite relax and was even driving slightly faster than usual.. cause just can't wait to get into Kingdom Hearts...
got home and did play the game for a few hours...
but then later, my mother, my eldest sister, Jonathan, his parents & I went out to Boulevard... why?
to look for the USB Handy Drive plus MP3 player that I've been looking for...
went browsing a couple of computer and hardware stores, but end up not buying any...
however, my uncle offered to help me order one, but we'll see how that go...
shopping some more in the supermarket.. then headed home...
Jonathan & I then got onto the PS2.. I mostly played Kingdom Hearts... but HOURS later, then Jonathan got his turn, playing King Arthur...

Dinner time, got to enjoy some delicious eel... (Japanese name I don't know how to spell).. and then came online....
actually, tomorrow I'm not sure if I'll be working at Grand Palace Hotel... will need to confirm with David, the person in charge there...

FIN for today...


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