Over a year has gone. HYBRID has recovered from his last fall after FATE’s game and has continued to set forth with his life; FATE still weaving Her obstacles for him and the ‘Demon of the Conscience’, ID still present and battling with him as he progressed.
How will his journey be from here onwards?

HYBRID smiles.

He’s looking forward to what’s ahead.

Monday, February 07, 2005

Smoetinhg Dfifrenet for taody...

jsut tuohgt to do smoetinhg deffirnet for tdaoy..
Lte's see how mnay of you udnresnatd waht I tpeyd....
Two dyas to uadpte on.... lte's get it dnoe...

Sautrady, 5 Fbreuray 2005...
the wlhoe day I sepnd palynig on the PS2...
tehn at eevinng got dnienr at a cfoefe sohp naer my hgih sohcol, SMK Cuhng Hua...
atefr taht, wnet to the Nhgit Mreakt for a viist....
senpd qitue smoe tmie terhe boefre hadenig hmoe...
taht ngiht got to see smoe fmialair lkoonig fceas... touhgh msot of tehm I olny seen boefre...

Snaudy, 6 Frebaury 2005...
Wrok at Gnard Pclaae Hteol was SOO tiinrg...
the rsutearnat was SOO pckaed!! one tbale's dnoe... aontehr guorp of popele cmeos in....
tehn aetfr wrok, got hmoe, and cmae olnnie to tpye my Arc the Lad gmae rvieew...
so mcuh eidtnig to get a good look on the psot ertny... for btoh Bolgpost & Mluitlpy...
but was fnalliy albe to get a good look in the end...
tehn ngiht tmie aonhetr dnienr, tihs tmie at Ltuos Cienhse Rsuteanrat at Mgea Heotl...
atefr dnienr tehn aonhetr viist to the Nhigt Mreakt...
tihs tmie, I got to meet a few old fnedris....

ok... tehn, taody...
Mlayaiasn Sditues in the mrnonig.. not ecatxly a casls... jsut one for mroe tpis for the cmiong eaxm....
tehn, now in the cmoupetr lab tpiyng tihs mseesd up bolg etrny...
sgih.. tset tset tset.... sgih..........


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