Over a year has gone. HYBRID has recovered from his last fall after FATE’s game and has continued to set forth with his life; FATE still weaving Her obstacles for him and the ‘Demon of the Conscience’, ID still present and battling with him as he progressed.
How will his journey be from here onwards?

HYBRID smiles.

He’s looking forward to what’s ahead.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Happy Chinese New Year!!!

man... two days of no contact with the online world...
time to do a LOT of catching up...

Monday, 7th February, 2005
After my 'messed up' blog entry, I headed home and played on the PS2... this time, I got the game, Kingdom Hearts from my little cousin, Jonathan...
love that game.. though I've not yet finish the whole game...
to be honest.. I can't remember what had happened that night... all I know is.. it was not spent at home.. cause otherwise, I would've probably been online....
and I know I wasn't that night...

Tuesday, 8th February, 2005
Late in the morning, my whole family went to visit my late father at the temple...
pray here, pray there, joss stick here, joss stick there...
then I was left at Roger's house... that afternoon... I have a... 'meeting' with Azie at Boulevard...
and Roger was going to accompany me...

Before 2pm, we arrived at Boulevard...
Azie hadn't arrived, so we just waited...
while waiting, we visited a computer and hardware store, where I checked out some USB Handy Drives...
Just browsing through, but I've been considering to buy one which doubles as a MP3 player...
but only browsing.. cause I'm not to keen on this area... just so that I don't get a bad bargain...
when I wanted to take a closer look at some of the drives, turned out that the only two people behind the counter were 'too' busy attending to ONE customer... sheesh...
then, Azie had arrived.. so had no time to spend there...
Met Azie at SugarBun... with Tania as well...
we spent a few hours there, the two girls eating some french fries..... talk, jokes, etc...
turned out that Azie's dad was doing some grocery shopping there... so the two girls are just spending some time outside while waiting for him...
Azie also gave me a few things... a T-shirt, a 'Chinese New Year' card & a silver bullet necklace...
At first, I thought I wouldn't be wearing it, since I believed that my family would not like me to..
but telling them that it was given to me by some friends from Curtin... it was fine and I've been wearing it ever since..

evening, played a little of Kingdom Hearts... then it was dinner time at Grand Palace Hotel... my whole family and also Jonathan's family...
it was a special dinner for the Chinese New Year... it was all right...
after that, went around the Servay Hypermarket....
met an old friend from my Wushu group... who've not been going for any of the practises for a long long time...
after this market, headed to Boulevard... Jonathan's father planning to help me find a suitable USB Handy Drive...
however.. once there, turned out most of the shops have closed... including the computer shop...
spent a little time browsing through the Chop Soon Seng store.. then headed home...

however, it wasn't over... my elder sister went for a quick change, and then we headed to Jonathan's home... for a little visit...
had a little something to eat... a light supper... and then played a little of King Arthur on Jon's PS2....
the game was utterly a mere complete thoughtless fun...
haha... I just ran around slashing and hacking and shooting (arrows) the enemies down without any strategy or tactic or even much knowledge of the controls!
haha! Just played around with the enemies and just watching them drop dead with much amusement...
after that.. half an hour before midnight... left for a temple (somewhere in the Pujut area nearest to the Lutong Bridge)...
didn't spend a long time there... and then we left.. decided to visit the big temple at the old marketplace.. or as some call 'Chinatown'...

man.. the temple completely stunned me...
the whole place was packed with people and SMOKE!!!
man... it's practically haunting the amount of smoke there, from the hundreds and hundreds of joss sticks, burning fire and even cigarette smokes!
this place is not a bad place... ignoring the number of people at the time... however, one particular thing I noticed and would really like to complain about.. is the tortoise pond....
long long ago, (maybe a year or so more) the pond was nice with the tortoises swimming about...
but now.. the water is barely an inch high... and there are only a few tortoises there....
sheesh! the tortoise statues are falling apart! the legs were not even connected to the body anymore!!
so much renovation for the rest of the temple and not even a care for the poor tortoises there...

anyway... after that.. went home.. showered.. and then slept.. with the firecracker noises banging outside the house...

Wednesday, 9th February, 2005... (Today...)
Morning.. woke up early to play some more Kingdom Hearts... love that game....
then came half an hour before noon... or earlier, went to my grandparent's house again... for lunch....
then, I returned home to wait for Roger.. was supposed to join him for some CNY house visiting...
I received a invitation to Bay's open house from Azie.. however, couldn't make it, cause no ride...
Roger and I went to Lester's place, where Roger was playing some snooker with Ching Tung & Lester... watching them, Tracey (ex-school mate) & Mabel (Rog's cousin)....
I played one round against Ching Tung.. but as expected, I was beatened easily...
a long while later, we all then headed for Oscar's house... he'd sent out the open house invitations yesterday...
there, met up with quite some of our old friends from high school...
some hours later there... headed to another friend's house...
then a while later.. went to Tracey's house... there, some of my friends went to 'gamble' in a game of Blackjack...
it's kind of like a tradition to gamble during Chinese New Year.. but I'm not one who would dare to gamble...
and it was also the first time, I made contact with 'mahjong' tiles... (though these ones had the faces of the poker cards instead...)
played those with a few friends.. but we all didn't know how to play the 'mahjong' games... so just used them to replace normal poker cards and played some card games instead... haha!
it was fun while it lasted...
had a little dilemma on joining them out tonight.. but decided not to..

sigh... exams will be in the next few days.. and I've not done any studying for them.. Malaysian Studies first!!
sigh.. I don't know what to do leh... sigh.........

by the way...



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