Over a year has gone. HYBRID has recovered from his last fall after FATE’s game and has continued to set forth with his life; FATE still weaving Her obstacles for him and the ‘Demon of the Conscience’, ID still present and battling with him as he progressed.
How will his journey be from here onwards?

HYBRID smiles.

He’s looking forward to what’s ahead.

Monday, February 14, 2005

My A1 SPM 2003 English Essay

If I recall, I believe I wrote something some weeks ago about meeting a teacher from my ex-high school, SMK Chung Hua...
She was an English teacher that had once taught my class.
She had requested me to write the essay that I wrote for my SPM English paper that scored me A1 for my English 1119 / GCE standard score...
I found the request a hard one, but she said that it doesn't have to be exactly the same.. but what I wrote is terribly unalike.
Sigh.. my writing style had evolve a lot over the year and more... though my memory of how the story went is qutie strong.
hehe... that's probably cause of the long long story behind this essay... maybe I'll write about it some day.. just for the sake of memory...

Anyway.. here it goes... my essay... PLEASE leave your comment on it!!
The SPM test paper asked that I end my essay with this sentence, "If I had taken his/her advise, this would not happen." (Or something similar)

Running, I was panting heavily. Loud footsteps echoed behind me. I turned into an alleyway and hid myself behind a dumpster. The footsteps got closer and closer. I held my breath to remain silent, despite my lungs screaming for air. I listened to the steps tentatively. The footsteps were loud and hard against the cement floor. It lasted for seconds but it felt so much longer for me. My lungs were getting desperate!

___The footsteps began to sound softer and softer as they ran further from here, before finally they disappeared from the distance. I felt relieved, but I was still alert as I took in a long but quiet breath. I remained there for a while longer, making sure that it was safe. Minutes passed and I stepped out from my hiding, within the dumpster’s shadow.

___Suddenly, a loud gunshot greeted my ears, followed by the sound of metal piercing through flesh and blood spattering out. The next thing I knew, my back landed onto the floor as my head shot backwards, my cranium knocking hard against the cement floor. However, that was not the agony I felt as I felt the bleeding wound in my chest.

___“Think you could escape?” a calm male voice spoke out.

___I lifted my head up to see him, a man wearing a neat tuxedo with a black top hat. His black leather shoes sounded as he paced slowly towards where I laid. His face was hidden in darkness, but as he came closer, the nearby lamp on the wall cast a little on his face, revealing the glittering steel mask on his face. He squatted next to me, as I got a better look at him. His mask covered only around his eyes and across the bridge of his nose.

___“Did you really think I’d let you spoil my fun?” he spoke coolly, looking down at me.

___What have I gotten myself into? Memories flashed through my mind as I laid there.

___“You mustn’t let your emotions control you, especially when at work. Or it will lead you to trouble,” the detective told me, his assistant, some time ago.

___I can still remember. Over a month ago, my fiancé, the love of my life, was lost to this masked man and I had vowed to seek revenge. That was when he told me, but I didn’t take his advice and went after this masked man. My search led me into his territory and now, this.

___“This is my game,” the masked man spoke confidently before he held up his revolver. “And I’m in control.”

___His thumb pulled down at the lever as the loud click of the gun echoed in my ears. Slowly, he pointed the gun at my forehead.

___“Your end is here,” he spoke again.

___Why did I not listen to him? I scolded myself! Tears were welling up in my eyes now. The masked man’s finger began to pull the trigger.

___“Game over,” his voice haunted my mind.

___If I had taken his advise, this would not happened.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heheh... neat essay there!

I think it is very well written cos you didn't reveal who "I" was until the middle of the essay where "I" flashbacked. So, you kept the reader in suspense. I was like:"Oh, so 'I' is a detective." Nice little surprise I had then. I thought "I" was some bad guy running from the cops, but it turned out the other way round.
I also think your descriptions are vivid. Could picture the whole scene in my mind... heheh.. like watching some movie. Just that, in the movies, usually the main character doesn't die... haha! Yours died. But, I like it. Especially the part where the bad guy said :"Game over." Cool! Short and brief, but, good ending. It gives the feeling:" That's it! Gone. Finish. End of story. I am gone. The end."
I must say, very good plot with good writing skills. Well done!

8:43 AM

Blogger Zack_Tiang said...

Haha.. Thanks.. but this credit is mostly to my current writing style..

I'm not too sure the exact words that I used for the SPM essay...
though I like the story itself...

There are earlier parts to this story... like a trilogy.. haha...
I'll tell the story about that another time...

Thanks for the comment...

by the way.. did I actually state that 'I' died?
hehe.. I just loved how it ended... so many possibilities! :D

9:48 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

dude...good INTRO...but not really a good STORY...seems to me u need to complete this one...overall, made me wanna wait for the follow-up to this story..so GREAT! keep it up and maybe i'll invest in any novels u wanna publish..peace!

10:12 PM

Blogger Zack_Tiang said...

Yo, Anonymous here is my good friend's younger bro, Lyon...
Thanks for commenting this, dude!

And according to our MSN convo,

Papa Midnite says:
if u ever need financial backing for any of ur novel projects
Papa Midnite says:
give me a call
Papa Midnite says:
u'd be a worthy investment
Papa Midnite says:
as much as i can afford
The deal is sealed.. You'd be the first person I look for if I ever do go into the novel publishing thing... Hehe!

10:34 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Zack, nice.

But if you could finish the story, it would be very much more pleasant to read on.......

I don't know what to say, but this one is good enough, creative enough......I think you watched too much Detective Conan, i recall!

11:11 PM

Anonymous English essay said...

I liked this post very much as it has helped me a lot in my research and is quite interesting as well. Thank you for sharing this information with us.

An English Essay On Boys

12:07 AM


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