Over a year has gone. HYBRID has recovered from his last fall after FATE’s game and has continued to set forth with his life; FATE still weaving Her obstacles for him and the ‘Demon of the Conscience’, ID still present and battling with him as he progressed.
How will his journey be from here onwards?

HYBRID smiles.

He’s looking forward to what’s ahead.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

The Foundation O-Week 2005

Sound versus Bugs
Wow.... been such a fun/busy/tiring week for me... my gosh....
as some of you should know, this week was the Foundation O-Week which I am involved along with the other SOAR Advisors to help out...
then again... Student Council is also involved and I was even placed as the person-in-charged together with Nicholas..

Let me start with Monday.. This day was just registration and campus tour for the new students...
Initially, I couldn't stick around for too long cause I had Eng. Computing 100 lecture at 8-10am..
but despite that, I still came out to look at how the SOARs were progressing with the day.. and boy, I can still remember how HAZY it was out there!
Honestly.. I think I frightened Ms. Rismaliza with my firmness to let the SOARs do their work inside the Student Services... especially the ones taking care of the O-Kit Helpdesk... those were the ones that were doing their work outside in the haze... and supposedly for the whole day!
finally got to move in some of the tables and then they did their work indoors, safe from the haze....
thankfully the haze didn't stick around for so long, so the campus tour was not cancelled and just went on... phew...
after the day's work, had a little meeting amongst the SOARs with Abel... prepared our stuffs for the next day's ice-breaking session, and then Aylwin had a little discussion with me, Roger & Ian about a new game he wanted to introduce, which we simply called 'The Detective Game'...
interesting idea... immedaitely I took up the task of creating a story for it...
just when I was about to start on the story... Abel reminded me of a Student Council meeting that I was having at the time... XP

Next day, Tuesday! I couldn't join with the Ice-breaking session cause I had lectures to attend...
but as the lectures went on, in-between breaks or what, I rushed to check on the Orientation's progress...
After lecture I went to look for Ms. Beena, regarding the iPAQ.. I was supposed to meet her yesterday morning, but I completely forgot to... anyway.. met with her, got my iPAQ and I was SO SO SO excited!!
If it wasn't for the uncharged battery, I would've been testing it out once I had some time to bring it around! quite a bother to carry such a large box around along with my already large bag...
Today's orientation wasn't too great, cause the students weren't responding as well as we had thought they would...
Come on, they were Foundation students and we needed to push them so much??
that evening, a couple of meetings that required my attendance began concurrently.. the Student Council and Curtin Volunteers! meeting...
but priority is priority.. I went to the Student Council meeting... then again, the rest of the CV! team can handle the meeting and I can just catch up with what they discussed easily...

Wednesday!! Today was my most opened day of the week...
got to stick around for Orientation most of the day... lotsa dancing and work.... sigh....
had class at 4-6pm... then re-joined the others to prepare for tomorrow's 'Detective Game'..
last night, the actors & actresses had been informed of what they need to do, talk about during the game..
tonight, we prepared the clues for the 'sleuthing' part of the game..
it was somewhat confusing... but in the end, got it all right and we were ready to go...
besides that, also had lotsa dance practises for the song 'Hey Mama' sung by Black-Eyed Peas...

Fourth day in the Foundation Orientation Week... Thursday!
I was able to stick around long enough to finish my task as acting as one of the five suspects in the 'murder' case... before I had to go for lecture...
then afternoon... I was not able to stick around for the 'sleuthing' part... but the other SOARs got to take care of that well enough...
afternoon, each group was to present their final decision of who was the murderer and why he/she did it...
my goodness... three out of five groups got the correct murderer and with reasonable motive...
two of them, though, came up with a suspect that was TOTALLY out of my expectation.... ME!!! Despite how unbelievable that they came to suspect me... their reasonings for my motive were logical.. (though of course without actual evidence! haha..)
That was the most hilarious moment in the whole of my orientation experience... haha!
That night, had one last dance practise for 'Hey Mama' with most of the SOARs and some of the loyal CV members.. followed by dinner at Sultana and then a short happy hour time at Lush Bar at Mariotte... sigh.. such a relaxing time there...
when I came home, I just recalled that I had to take care of a couple of slideshows for the next day! Aiih!!
worked for three hours before I was mostly done.... and I went to sleep at 3.15am and woke up 6.15 or so.. three hours of sleep later...

Sakura blossoms and Kenshin
anyway... Friday! Finally...
presentation in the morning... for Student Council and then the clubs...
man... so busy I was today..... and cause of my lack of sleep throughout this week, I slept a little during the club presentations... before I went off for tutorial... which ended early enough for me to come back to the orientation and in time for CV!'s presentation and then the 'Hey Mama' dance...
after the dance.... I had to drive back home and go pray my father at the temple after having lunch at home...
then after shower, my brother drove me back to campus where I joined Kimberley & Roger to Iqbal's house where they rested for a few hours and then had shower...
I, on the other hand, using Ky's laptop, finished up on one more slideshow that would be shown that night... 'Down Memory Lane' for the orientation weeks..
after all of us were ready.. we headed back to campus and helped out with the venue setup... blowing balloons, arranging chairs, preparing the projector and white screen, and etc....

then came the night itself!!
party party party... along with dinner and lotsa prizes from Student Council and then the five different group presentations...
That night, the SOAR Advisors also got to choose our Mr. & Ms. O-Week of August Intake 2005...
Mr. Austin & Ms. Angie!! Congratulations, you two! (Sorry, but I've no picture of the couple.. haha)
can't wait to see how this two will come out as the semester continues...

After all that, everyone just got down on the dance floor and danced...
me on the other hand... got to meet up with Azie and a few of her cousins... she asked me to bring them around on a campus tour (yeah, late that night.. haha!)... got Kimberley to accompany me to help with the tour too...
after the tour, they went home while me & Kimberley joined the rest of the SOAR advisors to meet with Abel at the library... where Angie was too...
relaxed for a while and talked happily there... before we moved out...
most of them went to continue the night at Cheerie Berries... some of us, like me, Kimberley, Roger & Aylwin, headed straight home....

Wow... what a tiring week...
so many times this week alone I felt I had to be in two places at once.. or even more! haha!
but despite how hectic it was... I still enjoy it... I love this chaotic life of mine.. haha...
or at least.. right now I am enjoying it.. haha!


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