Over a year has gone. HYBRID has recovered from his last fall after FATE’s game and has continued to set forth with his life; FATE still weaving Her obstacles for him and the ‘Demon of the Conscience’, ID still present and battling with him as he progressed.
How will his journey be from here onwards?

HYBRID smiles.

He’s looking forward to what’s ahead.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

2nd week and going strong! *grin*

Strip poker, anyone?
It's been a while since my last update of my life...
Life's been of ups and downs.... And one part of my life (which I won't be disclosing anytime soon) is still going on and I am looking forward to how it'll end... hopefully a happy one for me...

Anyway... this would be the mid of my 2nd week in Degree First Year First Semester...
Things are going quite all right.. so far.. still good... wonder how it's gonna be for me with assignments, works and co-curricular activities...
this is not even inclusive of my own personal life yet... XP

Well... there are two events that I'll be having coming up soon...
First would be the Run For Charity, co-organised by Curtin Volunteers! and Dynasty Hotel Miri..
this event will be happening this coming Sunday, August 14th 2005.
This event works like a Joggerthon... with collection of donations and then after having a certain amount of donation, the collector would be eligible to participate with the eventful run.
Just last night, Abel held a meeting with most of the remaining active CV! members regarding that... which comprises of some of the EXCO members and ex-CV! Apprentices..
Discussed on the things we needed to do on our side of work...
ooh boy... so much work to do....
Will be having a meeting with the committee team at Dynasty Hotel tomorrow night... and then will have a briefing session with all parties this Saturday afternoon, including the runners..... ooh boy!!

The eye of Kadaj
Second event is the Foundation Orientation Week, which is next week..
Gonna be having two meetings later this week... this Friday night and Saturday morning...
Man! So packed this week!!

Besides that, have a group asignment to take care of by the end of this week too... for Engineering Communications 100...
speaking of that subject.. I was one of the selected few that volunteered to participate in a project... called 'HP Mobile Technology Project' or something like that...
The lecturer, Ms. Beena who is put in charged of this project, will be briefing me and a few other particpants about it this coming Friday. (See how packed this week is for me? sigh..)
Yay! I'll be getting an ipac for this project though! Woohoo!!

For some of you who might be wondering what is an ipac... it should be something like this little doohickey here...
A wireless ipac
also known as a PDA (Personal Data Assistant) device... it's like a digital organiser that is quite compact and usualy very helpful...
Woohoo! Can't wait to lay my fingers on them!
I'll be using this little doohickey throughout this semester, so long as I remain in this subject, Engineering Communications 100...
For this project, I'll be working together with the other participants on the group assignments and all and will also be aliasing with a few students down at Curtin Perth....
I'm still very curious at what I'll be actually doing for this project? and why would I be given an ipac for this project?

got to talk about it a little, and Kimberley & I thought about the same... that it might be a research to see how useful a PDA device would be to help students with their work...
Shrugs... Will know what's up with this project when the briefing session with Ms Beena this Friday..
But my big goal for this project is to perform satisfyingly well enough to get to keep the PDA device! Yeah!! Ms. Beena mentioned that we might be awarded the ipac if we performed well... but no guarantees...
*Breathe in, breathe out* Hope I can get to keep the digital device.. it'd be SO SO SO COOL!


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