Over a year has gone. HYBRID has recovered from his last fall after FATE’s game and has continued to set forth with his life; FATE still weaving Her obstacles for him and the ‘Demon of the Conscience’, ID still present and battling with him as he progressed.
How will his journey be from here onwards?

HYBRID smiles.

He’s looking forward to what’s ahead.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Day 4... going STEALTH

Bring life into other's day!
Sigh... today would be Day 4 of my life in Degree Year 1 Semester 1...
so far still.... ok? haha... having problems with my lecturers liao.. haha!

Engineering Mechanics 100 - Ms. Carrie Ho
Engineering Mathematics 120 - Ms. Khine Khine
Engineering Computing 100 - Mr. Veeramani
Engineering Communications 100 - Ms. Beena Giridharam
Intro. Engineering & Professional Studies WS 100 - Dr. Chua Han Bing

having somewhat of a trouble with Ms. Carrie & Dr. Chua...
their presentation are not so good... sigh.... especially Ms. 'Underwood'.. >p
other lecturers are either ok or I've not yet gotten to know them that well yet...
sigh.. this semester is gonna be quite hard for me...

last night got to join Roger, Iqbal & Abel to watch the movie, 'Stealth'.
The movie is actually good.... but it was just not my type of movie... I found it rather boring, even during the 'dog fight' which should've been one of the more exciting scenes...
I liked an older movie, 'Pearl Harbor', despite its 'dog fight' scenes... cause those are short and not really the main focus of the movie...
Stealth, I feel is more for those who enjoy the high-flying adrenaline... as in watching it.. not necessarily the ones that do it...
Actually I even slept a bit in the movie near the end.. hahaa! the VERY first time I do that in the cinema!! OMG!!!
after the movie, ate a little at Sultana... and got to play a little pool inside Cheerie Berries with Roger and Iqbal.. good thing it was still early, so not many people inside there yet...

Poor Pikachu...
tomorrow is the day... the final results of the last semester for Foundation will be released tomorrow.... afternoon supposedly...
I hoenstly can't wait to see my results... and I still don't know how I did for my research essay on 'Laughter'... (which was posted some time ago)
Sigh.... wish I can know all that by tomorrow...




.. not to mention.. I'm quite worried about a friend of mine who's terribly worried about her results...


Blogger Kim said...

wonder who your friend is...

2:24 AM


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