Over a year has gone. HYBRID has recovered from his last fall after FATE’s game and has continued to set forth with his life; FATE still weaving Her obstacles for him and the ‘Demon of the Conscience’, ID still present and battling with him as he progressed.
How will his journey be from here onwards?

HYBRID smiles.

He’s looking forward to what’s ahead.

Saturday, July 30, 2005

End of the Degree O-Week

Kadaj sings??
hehe... days has been fine since my last blog!
Things are all right, although the next day after my last blog wasn't so great....
but things are looking up for me...

Degree Orientation Week is now officially over... so sad....
though things had been hectic and troublesome along the way...
the treasure hunt that I was given to take care of last Thursday, went terribly wrong...
but I got to learn now how I should do the treasure hunt so that it wouldn't be so confusing....
yesterday had been lotsa work for me..

very early in the morning... pass midnight.. I was still awake in front of the computer...
I had to update the slideshow of the past CV! activities...
I was waiting for Iqbal to burn the latest photos into CDs and send them to my house...
but as the hours progressed... I got to suspect that he has dozed off while burning...
uh-oh... how to work now.....
then Multiply & Blogspot popped in my head.... hehe! then got my photos from there...
done with the slideshow before 4am.... and then slept til 7am...
that day, had one presentation as a Student Council member... then I also had to continue being a SOAR Advisor... dancing and energizing the new students.... take care of the slideshows during Abel's and CV! presentations.... and then finally danced 'Hey Mama' with Joanna, Diana & Iqbal..
to think Iqbal and I improvised the steps for ourselves in a few hours the other night... the dance was originally only for the ladies.... so it was quite hard for us...

Anyway... the week concluded with much happiness....
Today was a beach party at Hawaii Beach... somewhere very far from Miri City...
left by bus... had lotsa games.... the O-Beach run, beach soccer, sandcastle building contest & tug-of-war!!
the tug-of-war was done at where the waves were splashing up the sands.... so... everyone and anyone that participated was definitely wet.... hehe!
after the tug-of-war... there was a match between the SOAR Advisors & Student Council...
hehe... what irony that I am of both parties.....
but since Student Council had less people, I chose to go to their side for this match...
The match started and the SOAR Advisors won with the pulling....
but with the help of some of the new students.. Student Council was the one that got to pull the SOAR Advisors down into the salty water!! haha!!
goes to show who the students support!!
or maybe they just wanted to see the SOAR Advisors get wet.. haha!!

After that match, I was definitely wet from top to bottom.... though still some percentage of dryness on my body....
barbecued food.... performance by the six orientation groups... an impromptu performance requested by the students from the Student Council... prize-giving... and then clean up....

after everything was done.. things slowed down everywhere....
got to shower and dress myself in dry clothes again...
then after leaving the place, Abel, Iqbal, Roger, Melanie, Ian, Kimberley, GT, Cheryl & I had lunch at Boulevard Food Court...
after that.... little trip to the arcade place.. and then headed home...

sigh.. next week will start my Degree semester.... and classes... X_X
two weeks later will be the Foundation O-Week.... heheh... can't wait for that!!


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