Over a year has gone. HYBRID has recovered from his last fall after FATE’s game and has continued to set forth with his life; FATE still weaving Her obstacles for him and the ‘Demon of the Conscience’, ID still present and battling with him as he progressed.
How will his journey be from here onwards?

HYBRID smiles.

He’s looking forward to what’s ahead.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Wow! Been so busy and away for so loong!

Blank of FFIX - Live Free
Wow! I've been gone for a long time.... but I'm living my life gladly!!
In the last few days, I've been going on with my life with much fun despite lots of work!
Don't care about backstabbers.. no worries about people not liking me... I never cared about them, unless they are close friends of mine...
So many has happened since my last blog....
but I'm just gonna talk about three special events...

First is the Team-Building workshop we had, I think on July 2nd, a Saturday...
the participants were newly selected prefects of SMK Dato Permaisuri... I think... forgotten which school it was...
Abel asked members of CV to help out... led by our respectful Darryl How...
others to join are Ling, Roger, Guan Thai (GT), Xiao Huan, me & Kimmy...
just the other night... we had a meeting to discuss on the things that we had to do during teh workshop... which mainly was a little sketch that we needed to do to show 'Inco-operation in a team' and then anotehr 'Co-operation in a team'...
It was a fun day.. we came early in the morning, about one hour before the workshopw as to begin..
and we recapped the steps of the Jungle Song while teaching GT, Xiao Huan, Roger & Ling.... I can still remember that GT, Xiao Huan & Roger only needed two rounds of practising to get the basic steps of the dance! easy huh?

the students were a great bunch.... and boy, was I surprised by their enthusiasm...
They appeared very satisfied with the workshop.... and that doesn't surprise me cause the first two hours or so consisted of a motivation talk by our lecturer Shamsul the 'Little Dinosaur'...
besides that, we only showed them the Jungle Song twice.. and when we finished the workshop, we played the song one more time and practically EVERYONE was up and dancing the song... haha!
What got me by surprise was when suddenly one of them shook hands with me and the rest of us... and then he was followed by the rest of the students to shake our hands.. haha!

Ultimate Magician
Another event I wanna DEFINITELY talk about is the Curtin Camp 2005!!
Woohoo! I finally fulfilled one of my goals ever since joining Curtin!! After joining the Curtin Summer Camp in 2003 and then joining Curtin the year after... I had always wanted to be a mentor for the next camp of theirs... and now I have done it!!!
This is why I'm so happy!

Tuesday, July 5th... Abel had a meeting with all the selected mentors for the camp... who were Iqbal, me, Roger, GT, Xiao Huan (now called Cheryl), Hiew, Kimberley, Wisdom, Oscar, Genesis, Pamela & Melanie...
He briefed us on the things to expect during the camp, what we gonna be diong, etc...
we had a bit of training in terms of public speaking and dancing the Jungle Song & Lean On Me....
The next night, we also had a meeting.... and some more practises... that was also when Oscar pulled out at the last minute, cause he wanted to focus on his assignments and studies... Good luck dude!
and on Thursday night, it was our final meeting and practise before the camp starts on Friday...
that night, we were told of what to do and prepare for tomorrow.... etc...

Day 1 of the camp... Friday, July 8th...
arrived campus early, cause I was supposed to have a discussion with my Chemistry group on our presentation that would be on the next morning... nevermind that...
later in hte morning, met up with the other mentors and Abel.... got dressed up and we had lunch all together....
after that, we then went to prepare the registration area at the LT Foyer...
The students came around the time scheduled... and we went on with the program as scheduled...
the students' first session of the camp already included a talk by Sham, our 'Little Dinosaur'.. so it ain't a wonder how they already got themselves in the camping mood.. ahha!
Had a little trouble with the showering plan in the evening... but we proceeded with the rest of the night quite all right...
haha... that night, after all the sessions were over and all the participants were discussing their works,etc... most of us mentors were just entertaining ourselves and everyone esle by dancing so much.. ahhaha!
when all the campers were gone to their camp, we mentors had a rounder session with Abel....
discussed on our own group and how are the students in our group.... my group was the Monkeys... and they were an all right bunch...
then we discussed on the next days' event.... mainly the telematch that Roger is in-charged of...
you can clearly see the worry on his face on how it was gonna turn out tomorrow...
after that, we then went off to rest and shower, etc...
GT & Cheryl decided to go home and sleep.... while Pamela & Kimberley went home cause they couldn't stay overnight away from home... too bad....
After showering, I had to go and meet up with my Chemistry group regarding my part of the presentation for tomorrow...
I did a bit of my slides and my lines quickly and was finally done in an hour or so...
Genesis, Melanie, Hiew & Wisdom slept at the hostel while Abel, Roger, Iqbal & I slept in the VIP lounge at the first floor of the Admin & Library building.. near the Council room, where we usually had our big meetings before...

Day 2 of the camp, Saturday, July 9th...
haha! I can still remember I only got to sleep for about two hours... lesser than Iqbal, Abel & Roger... and still the first to wake up...
I was even the one to force the other three to wake up!! hahaa! leaving my phone to keep ringing.... and then finally turning on the lights, whcih would mean that definitely time to get on up now! it was 5.30am when I turn on the lights...
Showered with COLD water... definitely wakes anyone up after that shower.... and got dressed...
the others from the hostel came and turned out Melanie didn't get to sleep that morning.. haha!

Anyway... morning exercise with the campers.... who definitely ddin't get enough sleep as we had told them to before...
then breakfast... and the next sessions.... I can still remember one of the speakers, a lecturer named Bai Yien.. she was really good and practically held everyone's attention....
before tea break at 10.30am... Hiew & I left for our Chemistry presentation....
we were done by noon and I went straight back with the campers... who were heading for lunch...
hahah! then found out that most of everyone had fallen asleep in the LT during the session.. and poor Roger got caught by Abel sleeping! haha!
thank goodness I had a good few minutes sleep near the end of the presentation by the last group earlier.. heheh!
so I felt quite all right! =D

After the next two one-hour sessions, the lady mentors took the groups to their separated places... while the boys went to prepare for the telematch at the field near the camp site...
we were done soon enough, but due to not paying attention to the clock, some of us, including myself, were late to come to the telematch by a few minutes.... XP
and because of that and the slackiness of the participants.. I supposed some of us got stressed out.. especially Abel I see... though not so much that he forgot to have fun...
haha.. Roger definitely looked stressedwhen everything just seemed to not go accordingly...
but I hope everyone had fun.. had a little trouble with the Tug-of-War / Tarik Tali.... but we finally had a fair game and had a winner, fair-and-nearly-square... Congrads, the Kangaroo group... hahah!
Afer the telematch, we had plenty of water balloons to spare.. and we didn't want to wet the campers.. so we decided to just have our own fun! haha!
Throwing balloons at each other... and splashing water at one another! haha!
Oh yeha.. I forgot to mention someone who came to help us out that day... Genesis's friend.. Jordan? I don't recall his name.. but heard that he was very interested to help us out with the camp.... however, he couldn't be accepted as a mentor now....
Though, he did help us a lot nonetheless that day... Thanks dude!

This time, shower time, we let the students head to the showers on their own, since they knew where to go....
so now we mentors had time to shower ourselves!! (yesterday we didn't showered til late night!!)
prepared for the barbecue and the concert that night....
we got dressed, themed, white top and jeans....
We all changed our hair look....the boys waxed their hair, the girls either tied, braided, let loose, etc their hair....
We then joined the campers at the LT Foyer.. where the barbecue was held...
we had lots of fun that night.... though I could barely have a nice dinner.. T_T
I volunteered to be stage manager to manage the CDs, etc of the groups...
and for that, could not just sit down and have a comfortable meal... hahha!
but I still had fun!! ahahha!

That night, Abel had three of the campers to be the MCs of the night.... Jillian, Rachel & Clinton....
the concert was all right.. with lots of laughs and amazing talents discovered... ahha! and even a Curtin Camp Idol 2005 realised! Haha!
at the end of the night, we had a Clubbing session.. hahah! can't believe that...
nearly everyone was dancing at the LT foyer...
after we had the campers return to camp..... we mentors had another rounder session with Abel...
we discussed on the events of tomorrow, the final day... and then we discussed on who shall be the Mr. & Ms. Curtin Camp 2005.... and the following subsidiary winners...
We decided that Slyvester & Rachel as the winners.. Congrads, you two!!

Again tonight, GT, Cheryl, Kimberley & Pamela went home to sleep in their nice warm showers... and comfortable beds... while the rest of us got to sleep together at the VIP Lounge...
that night, I had to do some extra works... to prepare for the Treasure Hunt the next day, which is under me...
I wrote down the clues... and had them photocopied...
Hiew stayed up with me to help me out... thank you!
then only got to sleep at near 4am....

Day 3 of the camp, Sunday, July 10th....
Woke up one-and-a-half-hour of sleep later... and again, I was the one to force everyone up... haha!
Had my cold shower once more and got dress for the day...
Quickly had to work to placed the clues at their places....
Had much trouble with that... and I was feeling really stressed out... sigh.....
but finally set the clues at the rightful places and we proceeded with the Treasure Hunt!
After the hunt, they showered and breakfast... and then to the LT for the next session..
included in the next session, was a sharing platform.. where the participants are invited to the front to tell everyone of their experience in the last two days.... haha! great comments..... sigh...

then a break.... and then we had the groups to present their assignments, given since the first day...
lots of great ideas were presented and plenty of weird gadgets and inventions were made.... out of cardboards, straws, that is.....
then lunch break..... we mentors calculated the points gathered by each group and finally we had a winner.... the Elephant group...
the next session was by the Student Recruitment team... to tell the campers about Curtin and what courses, scholarships, facilities it offer, etc...
And then a Q & A session with the lecturers that were involved with the camp the last two days....
History was made when Sham sang for the first time ever in front of everyone!!! ahaha! though only a few lines.. hehe!

And then, we proceeded with distributing the certificates to all the campers, the camp facilitators (lecturers, Student Recruitment team, IT department, & Abel), to us mentors.... and then we announced our subsidiary winners and Mr. & Ms. Curtin Camp 2005...
haha! great fun...
after all that, we had a short flash show of the last two days of the camp... Memory Lane... done by the IT department...
I feel very much what was shown.... and I ain't the only one...
one reason was... just when the feeling was just about to come out... then the show was done already... supported by Iqbal...
another reason... it wasn't much at all!! I dare say I could do better.... but just that I couldn't get the photos and didn't have the time....
AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Damn it!!! I want to reverse back time and do that memory lane thing!!!!!
but no matter.... what's done is done...

Then the Curtin Camp is over..... we proceeded out of the LT to the foyer and had lots of an autographing session... haha! and also some more dancing!
then all the participants slowly go home and soon teh campus was quiet once more...
had shower and we packed up our stuffs at the VIP lounge.. ready to go...
it wasn't over for some of us though... Roger & I had decided join and help Kimberley with her Jive dance performance for the Cultural Night two days later...
So that night, we went to eat dinner, together with Wani, at DPS...
Actually, all four of us are from the same Primary School... Sekolah Rendah Sri Mawar...
So we had a lot to catch up with.... it was nice dinner...
after that, returned to campus to practise the Jive performance.... together with Jimmy who was also dancing for the performance...
When he and Wani gone off... Kim, Roger & I got to plan what we could do for our performance...
we planned to have Roger & Kim dance first, and then I 'steal' Kim from him... before he trips me and gets her back....
we then end the dance with a gentle tug-of-war between me & Roger over Kim before she falls on the floor... the two guys then laughed at her and then left together..... as good friends...
hahaha! just for comedy relief... hhehe!
then headed home to rest..

Justice League & their many allies
Man... I don't know how I woke up and turned off the alarm without realising it.. cause when I woke up.. it was near noon!!!!!!!!!!!!
And I onyl woke up cause Kim's message rang on my phone...
she asked me & Roger to join her for a meeting with the rest of the dancers....
showered.... ate lunch.. and then off I went to meet up with them at the cafeteria...
Roger didn't come.... til later in the afternoon....
a little while of meeting with the dancers, I had to go for Research & Writing Skills 062...
yay! I could finally finish my research essay, which was about laughter I mentioned long ago...
definitely will post it some time soon... a good read, I'll say it proudly!!
call me a show-off if you want! but I AM proud of that essay and I have every right to be!!!!

After I was done in the class, I coincidentally meet up with Roger & Kim...
we then go to the ME lab to finish up my essay and Roger helped me print them for free.. woohoo!!!
but then the convinience store was closed, so I couldn't get it bind, so I couldn't submit the essay that day too.. sigh...
anyway.... spent a little time online... and finally got to checked my e-mail after three days.... and was I shocked to find.. 35 new e-mails & 11 new junk mails!!!
man... that's the most I've ever seen!
but then again.. most of them were announcements of new Friendster blogs and blog entries.. so nevermind....
and then the junk mails were just...... junks.....
only some of mails were important and with meaning to me...
then off Roger & I went to the LT for the rehearsal of the Cultural Night that was to happen the next evening...
When dancing... all three of us, Roger, Kim & I made mistakes.. hahah!!
and boy, did everyone had a good laugh from our little skit.. haha!
I so love to direct sketches.. and I sure can do much better for some of the other sketches that were rehearsed that night.....
I just so wanted to do something about them... but nevermind...

Anyway... after that rehearsal... lots of preparations and practises on the side...
before Abel, Kim, Roger, Melanie, Hiew, Wisdom, Pamela, Genesis & I went to eat at Lou Bin Tang....
turned out that it was Hiew's birthday that day, so we had a little celebration there... and man.. Abel ordered beer for each and every one of us to drink... Tiger beer to be exact...
sigh..... every one drank the beer.... even Pamela although only some of it...
I was more reluctant.... I don't like beer.. don't like the taste....
but then, everyone was urging me to.. and I gave in... saying the drink was for all of the mentors and Abel... and of course, for Hiew and his Birthday.....
man... that's the first tiem I ever drank a WHOLE can of beer... any beer... man..... no wonder people could feel like puking... my stomach felt so filled up... never knew that beer fills up the stomach...
definitely helpful if I ever write something regarding drinking beer... hehe!

after that, we all went back to LT, except Genesis...
Kimberley, Melanie, Wisdom, Pamela & Hiew had been chosen to be the MCs for the Cultural Night....
So that night, Abel had them prepare their scripts and what they should talk about for tomorrow...
they practised for the whole night til 12.30am!!

next day, came to school for the Physics class in the morning...
then, Abel called a meeting with all the mentors....
we were given our evaluation forms done by the campers... on our performances.... haha.... some funny comments made.. hehe!
also discussed on the clothing for the MCs....
and then, decided to go to the salon of Abel's friend to make up the ladies and change our hairstyles.....
man.. my hair was on ends!!!! if only I could post up the picture!! haha! maybe another time! ;p

anyway.... returned to school, just in time for the Cultural Night....
it was a fun time..... I even played the role of one of the Wise Men in teh Christmas sketch.. hahaha!
the Wise Man with the spiked up hair.. hahaha!
anyway... the dance went quite well... I believe we didn't do any mistakes as we danced... which was great.... though it felt really short.. haha! two minutes and ten seconds or so...

Oh yeha.. forgot to mentioned... the night before, we got to contact some of the Curtin campers and invited them to come and join us for the Cultural night.. and over twenty I believe, came...
and we even had one of them, the famous pianist that performed and stunned everyone during the concert, especially Abel... to come and performed for us during the night... Dennis Lau...
after the Cultural Night was over, it just remained the mentors and the campers... we took photos after photos...
Dennis was there playing on the keyboard together with Abel at his side.. singing...
lots of fun... hehe....

Wow... this has been a VERY VERY VERY long blog... but with much memories that will not leave me for a long while....


Blogger Kim said...

fuyoh.. so long. haha. i want to blog about it too. but i don't know where to start. hah. maybe once i get more pics then i'll blog about it too. :P

3:17 PM

Blogger Zack_Tiang said...

Haha... took me about two hours to write that blog.. haha..
speed typing all the way...

but this one is very general description of what happened...
so much details I left out.. hehe...

except the ones that I really want to remember....

3:47 PM


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