Over a year has gone. HYBRID has recovered from his last fall after FATE’s game and has continued to set forth with his life; FATE still weaving Her obstacles for him and the ‘Demon of the Conscience’, ID still present and battling with him as he progressed.
How will his journey be from here onwards?

HYBRID smiles.

He’s looking forward to what’s ahead.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Going BATS and beyond with the Joker! (Movie Review)

Batman Beyond: ROTJ

Voice: Will Friedle as Terence 'Terry' McGinnis aka the new Batman, Kevin Conroy as Bruce Wayne aka the original Batman, Mark Hamill as Jack Napier aka the Joker & also Jordan Price, Angie Harmon as Commissioner Barbara Gordon, Dean Stockwell as Communications Engineer Mr. Timothy 'Tim' Drake and many more!
Curt Geda
Studio: Warner Bros Production
Official Website:

In latter-21st-century Gotham City, The Jokerz, a street gang enamored of the city's infamous Clown Prince Of Crime, is breaking into a high-tech engineering plant to steal a powerful generator, a crime stopped by the new Batman (Terry McGinnis) and which puzzles Terry and his mentor, the elderly original Batman Bruce Wayne. The reason for this and other "geek junk" thefts is a mystery even to The Jokerz gang, who are now working for someone claiming to be the original Joker himself. When he makes an appearence at a charity function attended by Bruce Wayne (cover to steal another generator), the Joker taunts Wayne, and later sends his minions to attack Terry McGinnis while he attacks the Batcave. But the original Joker died forty years earlier, and why does this new Joker want high-tech items? When a shaken Barbara Gordon explains the fate of the original Joker, Terry begins to piece the twin mysteries together, culimating in a confrontation with the Joker that literally threatens the very existence of Gotham City. (Summary written by
Michael Daly)

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The Joker: It'd be funny if it wasn't so pathetic. Oh what the heck I'll laugh anyway. HA HA HA HA HA!

Oooh! here's my review of this movie! Ooh! I am so excite to write about it!!
Namely for obvious reasons that I am a HUGE fan of Bob Kane's supervillain of his Batman series, JOKER!!! He is my ABSOLUTE favorite supervillain of ALL TIME!!

The new Joker
The Joker's new look. Is this the real Joker that supposedly died forty years ago??

Just kidding!
Bonk: I was just kidding boss.
The Joker: Me too.

Well.... let's first talk about the story..
It is excellent... this movie combines the futuristic Batman Beyond with the original Batman together to tell its story...
It is a complete mystery of how the 'legendary' Joker comes back to Gotham City, who according to the original Batman, Bruce Wayne, had died about 40 years ago...
With many theories shot out by the new Batman, Terry McGinnis...
One of his theories, he mentioned being "placed in suspended animation due to floating around in a block of ice". This is a reference to the Marvel Comics character Captain America, who was found floating in ice by the Avengers in the '60s.
(more trivia informations)
In the middle of the story, Barbara Gordon, once known as Batgirl, finally tells Terry of what happened long ago, when Batman's supposedly final encounter with Joker.
And I tell ya... Joker really outdone himself... truly showing how sadistic and insane he is...
His last dasdardly deed involved the young Boy Wonder, Robin, which would explain why the old boy himself, Timothy 'Tim' Drake comes into play in this movie...
I am telling ya, that flashback is quite a disturbing one... what Joker did...
Watch it and you'll get what I mean...
The story truly played with its many characters well.. Even a short look at Terry's family somewhere in the movie had a reason, which very much later comes into play.. though only a small part...

The Jokerz Gang
The Jokerz Gang. The two sisters are Dee Dee [Delia & Deidre Dennis].
Then there's Ghoul and Chucko. Need I tell ya which one's Woof?
One more member missing in picture is Bonk.)
The Joker: Bonk?... Oh, right! Dead.

Now... let's talk about the characters....
Nah! I'm not gonna talk about Joker only.... cause every character was very interesting to watch...
It is very interesting to note the progress of the main few characters, namely Terry & Bruce.. Terry's goal to redeem himself and Bruce's annoying loner's attitude...
Watch the movie and hopefully you'll notice something that I realised...
The appearance of old characters, such as Batgirl, Robin & even Joker's lover, Harley Quinn had their purposes... and weren't there just to boost viewer's enthusiasm to wanna come and watch the movie just to witness these characters come into play...
Though originally, I wanted to watch this movie was exactly cause of Joker & Harley... hehehe!

Scary confrontation, Batman & Joker
Batman: I'll break you in two...
The Joker: Oh, please, if you had the guts for that kind of fun, you'd have done it years ago.
A frightening encounter between the original Batman against Joker & Harley. What happened forty years ago?

The villainous couple, Joker & Harley
Harley Quinn: Sweetie, get mommy's bazooka.

Now... the looks of the movie...
simple... it's nice, colorful and clean.... compare the graphics on the original Batman & Joker with the old Batman series and you'll see a BIG difference... not sure about the new Batman Beyond series... I'm not familiar with that series..
The drawings of the environments, camera views/angles, characters, etc are just excellent and enjoyable & comfortable to watch...
Besides that.... the voices of each character are greatly roleplayed..
I love most of Joker's punchlines... sadistically evil & plain mean.. yet funny! haha!
I also loved one line by Harley, which was already quoted earlier... reason being cause of the rhythm of the voice and how she spoke that really sound motherly like.. yet just so plain wrong!! Watch the movie and you'll catch what I mean!! For sure!!

Joker meets the new guy
The Joker: Ah, the new boy. Ears are too long and I miss the cape. But not too shabby. Not too shabby at all.

What else need I say about this movie, besides GO AND WATCH IT!!
By far, I've come across quite a number of movie reviews commenting that this movie is the best so far in the animated Batman movies...
which I see no problem with!!

Terry McGinnis, the new Batman
Terry McGinnis. Is he truly Batman? Or beyond that?

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One last message from the Joker himself.
The Joker: Don't like the movie? I've got slides.


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