Over a year has gone. HYBRID has recovered from his last fall after FATE’s game and has continued to set forth with his life; FATE still weaving Her obstacles for him and the ‘Demon of the Conscience’, ID still present and battling with him as he progressed.
How will his journey be from here onwards?

HYBRID smiles.

He’s looking forward to what’s ahead.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

The Day Before Today..... & Also Tomorrow

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I wish I had style like that.. haha.... but like as if....

anyway.. forgot to add something that I did on Tuesday night... something that I had neglected for a very long time............................................. Wushu practise..

That Sunday night when I talked with the coach, he asked me if I want to continue to participate in a competition..
after a while of thinking, I told why not..... lesser activities coming up.. and I need the exercise..

I passed the Monday night practise cause I was not prepared for it... mentally I meant... hehee...
Tuesday I went.. Sigh... boy did I tire quickly... my stamina is low... dissapointing sigh...
anyway... I was told to focus more on my spear and staff handling....as I would be competing in that field instead of the others...since I was familiar in that area already...
Sigh... tiring... sweaty... aching... the training was about three hours long for me....
I left the Indoor Stadium, with a strained right arm and tired thighs...

the next morning, I woke up to a strange ache in my right bicep....
this Wednesday, just stayed at home the whole day....
tried to play The Sims 2: University that morning... but then everyone else wanted to play it.. sigh..
so the whole afternoon I spent online on this computer upstairs instead...
night time I got to play the game... but then again.. only for a while.. cause everyone else wanted to use the computer.. sigh... troublesome...
so decided to just call it the day and sleep...

Slept til 11.30am... 12 hours later... boy, my arm just felt worse.... and this time.. along with some other parts of my body.. like my abdomen and a little bit on my chest...
showered... lunch... then got to play The Sims 2: University for nearly the whole afternoon....
boy, just enjoy playing those three characters.... this game is just churning ideas in my head... cause.. it is like me creating a past for these three already... hehe!


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