Over a year has gone. HYBRID has recovered from his last fall after FATE’s game and has continued to set forth with his life; FATE still weaving Her obstacles for him and the ‘Demon of the Conscience’, ID still present and battling with him as he progressed.
How will his journey be from here onwards?

HYBRID smiles.

He’s looking forward to what’s ahead.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Hybrid's Log, June first, two thousand and five

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Hmm... being bored here... so spend time to do my blog...
last log was last Thursday, with the Student Council meeting...

Friday... Sigh.. initially, I had thought this day would be so darn troublesome...
early morning, come to school for a Physics tutorial... following that, meeting up with Mr. Arnold & Ms. Azlin to ask permission to take some of their lecture time to talk with the foundation students...
a short while later, just spent time at the computer lab and then the cafeteria.. and after lunch had a Physics group discussion at the Chemistry laboratory.. to finish up our group project...
then soon, even before the discussion was done, I had to go drive back home to have my brother come to campus....
after coming back to campus, I had to rush to the Lecture Theater to meet up with the foundation students... regarding the Student Representative thing...
after that, went to do my work at the computer lab... there, Roger suddenly messaged me, asking if I would wanna go to watch the movie, 'Madagascar'...
I replied that it was fine with me, and sent out sms invitations to a lot of people... sigh... my credit...
most of them didn't reply me, so I take it that they weren't going...
most of those that replied, said they couldn't make it...
However, later turned out that some of them were planning to watch Star Wars Episode III... but Roger & I stuck to Madagascar...
had a bit of a problem when going to Parkson for the movie...
by the time we arrived, we were running late already... and we had thought to take away some fast food and eat in the movie....
at McDonald, the queue was SO LONG!! for two counters... one more counter was.. supposedly closed but there was no sign.. sheesh.. and the person behind the counter right next to the 'closed' counter didn't bother to say anything to me... sheesh... some friendly people...
anyway.. I actually got up the courage to ask the people in the line if I could cut in line cause 'I was in a hurry'...
it was a bit of a hassle, but they were considerably generous enough to let me go ahead first.... thank goodness!!

however, despite that we ended up missing the 9pm slot cause there were too many people already in the movie... so we had to go for the 10.30pm slot...
while waiting for the time, ate at KFC.... the ones that decided to go watch Madagascar with me and Roger were Gretchel, Snow Jae & VJ...
after eating that, we just sat and talked there... and soon enough, it was coming to the movie's time...
and well, I've already written my movie's review of Madagascar... Great movie to watch...

"You've insulted the freaks!" quote from King Julian of the lemurs.

my weekend was not much...
I don't recall anything much happening.....
oh, there was one thing though...
Sunday night, got to talk with my Wushu group's main coach... discussed with him regarding starting a club at Curtin..
he told me everything that I should do for the time being.... before next semester starts...

Monday, came to school early to take care of my shift at the Student Council room....
and then, after lunch, went for my Writing and Research Skills 062 class at 1pm... finalise my essay assignment...
after that, got to go home and then got to finish up that assignment.
night time, got to hang at Imperial Mall with my younger cousin, Jonathan, looking for games...
I was in particularly looking for Kingdom Hearts... I even brought my memory card... why?
cause if you followed my blog, some time ago, I wrote about the game unable to load the ending movie of the game...
and after trying the game with Jonathan's PS2... it still didn't work, so we concluded that it was the CD that was the problem..
so, I brought my memory card so that I could test the Kingdom Hearts CD to see if it could run the ending movie...

it was a bit of a hassle again here...
initially, there wasn't any other customer.. but as I was playing along, trying to get everything done with... about halfway through, a customer turned up and wanted to test a few games...
and one of the workers there (a more experienced one I assumed) was getting annoyed that I was playing so long... while supposedly just testing the game...
she asked me a few times if I was done... took me a little to make it clear to her about my problem.. that I was not testing the game itself, but was testing if it could run the ending movie...
After a while longer, turns out the CD IS able to play the ending movie.. which was a relief for me...
bought the game, along with Star Ocean: Till The End of Time...
sigh.. can't wait to I am able to play finish Kindgom Hearts and watch the ending completely!!

Tuesday, after accompanying my brother to have a blood check at Pathlab somewhere in the city and then back home, drove to campus early in the morning...
I can still remember that that morning my lower back was aching SO much... it was annoying me all along the way to campus...
once at campus, went to the Student Council room to rest myself on the couch there...
I was surprised to find Kimmy & Michelle doing their assignments there... but I just resume to lay myself on the couch while studying the lecture notes for Physics... test within one and a half hour later...

sigh.. I didn't think I did well for my Physics test.. sigh....
lunch at the cafeteria.. and then I went to the computer lab.... I couldn't stand being outdoors that day cause the haze was just TERRIBLE...
that morning when I was driving to campus, I saw a LARGE column of smoke raising in the horizon, and I was like... "D*mn those stupid b*st*rds... bush fire? so early in the morning? Who are you trying to kid??"
anyway... just spent my time in front of the computer, while enjoying some songs from my mp3 player... I just love my mp3 player...

I got to see alot of my group mates and course mates rushing to catch up and finish their English essay assignments in the lab...
sigh... no comment on that.... except...
I do last minute works myself... but doing last minute work at the VERY last moment is definitely NOT what I would like to end up doing.

anyway.. went for Chemistry tutorial, which was supposed to be the time that Ms. Lau returns our test paper and we do our corrections to see what we've done wrong in the test...
I had thought I did terrible for it, but I was surprised that I was still able to round up some good marks for it...
hehe... though that don't mean I passed the test... just that I scored more than I thought I could...
anyway... got to understand more of the question... and they actually turned out easier than I had initially thought...
after that one hour period... got to a little Chemistry group discussion with Ilma & Darshana... and soon everything was done...

I then headed back home... dinner... then got to install the PC game, expansion pack, The Sims 2: University..
installed... and then got to play it a little... created three students in the new university setting...
hehehe... these three students I created based on three characters in my detective story that I am currently still writing (though not for a while now); the young assistant detective, his fiancee, and the thief... hehee... this actually helps give me a better image of the characters as I write the story, I find it...

"Honesty is the best policy."
~ Annonymous


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